Chapter No. 40

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However, after some time they had to stop and fight, and Fuze and Kaval drew their swords to fight the spider. However, they were being overpowered by the spider. When at that time suddenly Youm came to their rescue. But still all of them are barely hanging on until.

Kenya= You guys a barely hanging on here.

Alice= Yeah, the way it looks you are about to die.

Fuze= Well yeah that is because we really were about to die.

Dagruel= Than how are you guys alive.

Fuze= Well someone came to our rescue.

Luminous= Let me guess Rimuru again.

Rimuru= Not it wasn't me this time.

Ultima= Really that would be something new.

Carrera= Then who was it?

Rimuru= You will see.

Gobta arrives. Who with the help of his new blades cuts all the eight legs of the spider and thus saves their life. He then meets with the idiot trio and then Fuze who according to Gobta is scary.

Fuze= Your name is Gobta, right?

At this Gobta asks the trio who this man is. And they tell him that he is their boss.

And so, he brings all of them back to tempest. And tells the whole story to Rimuru and everyone.

Shizu= Oh so it was Gobta.

Luminous= That weak goblin?

Leon= Yeah that "weak goblin" that has been surprising us so far with how strong he is.

Ryota= He defeated that giant spider so effortlessly.

Alice= Well of course he is Rimuru-sensei's subordinate after all.

Fuze= Why does he think that I am scary?

Testarossa= Because from his perspective you do look scary.

Fuze= (Really!)

However, Rimuru doesn't know why they are here. At this Fuze starts the conversation and introduces himself.

After the introductions and the apology, Rimuru asked him why he came here after all.

At which Fuze told him how a few months ago. The rumors of the Orc Lord were spreading in Bulmund. When we were preparing to flee that man, referring to Souei, showed up and told him that.

Souei= I bring a message from Rimuru-sama. "I have already taken the liberty to deal with the Orc lord."

Fuze= Rimuru, that is the name of the slime I have been hearing about lately. The master of the monsters.

Souei= Rimuru-sama wishes to coexist with humans. So, it would be wise to take a peaceful approach.

However, Fuze wasn't at peace at this news given the victors were monsters.

Gazel= Oh so you came for the same reasons I did.

Fuze= Yeah that is true.

Leon= That was predictable.

Rimuru= So that is why you have come here to check who we are. The same motives as the dwarven king.

Fuze was surprised at hearing about the dwarven king. And he was even more surprised when he learned that he has signed an alliance with the monster nation effectively recognizing the monster nation as an actual country.

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