Chapter 30

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After their loss, the lizardmen, saying that they would be back, ran away. But Rimuru and his subordinates didn't really think of them as a threat. What they had to think about was the orc army, which according to Souei's report was around two hundred thousand strong and was headed towards the lizardmen territory.

Rimuru= (Two hundred thousand huh. It is such a big number that it is difficult to even imagine.)

Rimuru= Just what these orcs even want.

Kaijin= Orcs are not smart creatures. The only way for them to maintain cohesion is if someone is backing them.

Kurobe= Backing them?

Rimuru= Like a Demon Lord.

Leon= For the level Rimuru and his subordinates are currently. Two hundred thousand really is a formidable number.

Shion= It wasn't. We defeated all of them quite easily.

Luminous= If you guys really were that strong that your victory was quite easy. Then why are you so stressed right here.

Benimaru= One, at the time we didn't know just how strong we really are.

Rigurd= Two, If the possibility that a demon lord really was in the army was true. Then it really would had been difficult.

Rimuru= It would had been impossible, because defeating the orc lord in of itself was really difficult.

Veldora= And of course Rimuru being Rimuru, he didn't wanted to take any chances.

Benimaru= I don't know if a demon lord is backing them up or not. But there is a possibility that an Orc lord has appeared.

Rimuru= You mean the unique monster that only appears every few centuries?

Benimaru= Yes because there is no way an ordinary orc can command an army of two hundred thousand?

Rugurd= I think it would be wiser if we go with caution rather than optimism.

Rimuru= I agree.

Gale= Everyone who thinks about the massive numbers of the Orc Army thinks that the Orc Lord has appeared.

Hinata= Of course they would, as the existence of an Orc lord is the only way an army of two hundred thousand orcs would not go into disarray.

Dagruel= Even if there wouldn't had been any Orc Lord, there still would had been as strong as the Orc Lord to lead such an army.

Testarossa= So, here the choice of not underestimating the enemy that is made by that goblin and Rimuru is correct.

Veldora= Yeah here it is.

Rimuru= So why do you guys always tell me to not underestimate myself.

Gazel= It all depends on the situations and Rimuru underestimating your enemies and underestimating yourself is not the same thing.

Ciel= <What he means is that you should not underestimate your enemies. Because it could lead to you being to you being wide open to an attack. But also, you should not underestimate yourself. Because that could hinder your advance when it is necessary.>

Rimuru= <Ok you don't need to tell.>

Rimuru= Ok Ok fine.

Gazel= Glad that you understood.

Ciel= <Why is that whenever I explain to you anything you become angry at me? I am just helping you. *sobs*>

Rimuru= <Ok ok I'm sorry. Could you now stop crying?>

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