Break: Slime Stroke

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After almost two hours have passed and Rimuru finally begins to wake up. However, as soon as they see him waking up. The whole losing their mind gang approaches towards Rimuru to see if he is fine. They weren't able to completely reach him though. As a certain demon was able to stop them and a certain dragon was also calming everyone down.

Diablo= All of us swarming towards Rimuru-sama as soon as he wakes up is not a good idea.

Veldora= Yeah. He will be extremely confused and might not even know what is going on.

At this almost everyone calmed down to a certain extent but they didn't calmed down because they wanted to instead because there was literally no other choice as Veldora had Rimuru in his arms.

However, many who were not part of the Losing their mind gang. Still wanted to know what happened to Rimuru. As him falling unconscious for no reason whatsoever was indeed peculiar. But they waited to see if the Storm Dragon can get some answers for them.

Then Veldora turned towards Rimuru and asked him, in a very low voice almost to a whisper, what had happened.

Veldora= What happened to you? You just fell for no reason, and I didn't even get any confirmations from her.

At this Rimuru motioned him to shut up and used [Thought Communication] to communicate with him.

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = Don't talk about her in the open idiot.

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = Don't worry none of them know anything about her so they won't figure out.

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = Yeah you are right but still don't talk about her like that.

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = Fine. But tell me what the hell happened and why isn't she responding.

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = Ok but you need to make sure that your expression remains unchanged through all of this.

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = Ok don't worry about that. My expression will be straight up deadpan.

Then Rimuru after some hesitation told Veldora everything that had happened.

And the promise for Veldora to keep his face straight has started to become increasingly difficult as the story was going on but, in the end, he was able to pull through without any clues for others to catch on to.

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = Seriously? So much happened but still why isn't she responding?

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = I don't know probably because she is embarrassed.

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = Still I never expected anything like this.

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = I also never thought that something like that was even possible. Let alone that she would ever do something like that.

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = So what were you thinking when she kissed you?

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = At that time my brain had stopped working and I collapsed shortly there after.

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = Oh! and now?

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = Well now when I think about it. I think that I am the luckiest person to ever exist to have a partner like her.

Ciel= <It is good to know that you feel like that, dear.>

Rimuru= <Ah! Ciel you are awake now.>

Ciel= <I'm always awake. I just wasn't responding that time.>

Veldora= <Ciel! Why weren't you responding before? Do you have any idea just how worried I was about you two.>

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