Chapter 32

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Their fight started and for the most part. Gabiru was handling the situation quite well. Rimuru who was watching from above was also quite impressed.

Rimuru= (Looks like he isn't all talk. Not only can he fight quite well but he is also really brave as well).

However, when the orc general started using his skill [Chaos eater] on Gabiru, he was pushed back.

Gazel= Hmm not bad I have never seen you fight before. But you held better than I expected you to.

Ultima= I guess your sister wasn't lying when she said that. You are a great warrior.

Shion= He even got praise from Rimuru-sama that shows that, he really is quite something.

Shizu= But what was that skill that, the orc tried to use on Gabiru.

Frey= [Chaos Eater] it allows for anything that it touches to be affected by corrosion.

Fuze= That would be a painful way to go.

As soon as Gabiru was about to be cut down by the orc general. Suddenly his axe was stopped by someone, that someone was Gobta.

Gabiru= Who are you?

Ranga= He is Gobta. Captain of the Goblin Riders. My name is Ranga. We are here on the orders of Rimuru-sama to help you.

Orc General= Rimuru? Never heard of him. But it doesn't matter as anyone who will stand in our path will be slaughtered.

However, as soon as he said that a giant dome of black flames erupted behind him. Incinerating a large number of orcs.

Milim= Woo... now the fun part will start.

Rigur= Wow Ranga-dono you sounded really cool there.

Ranga= Thanks Rigur-kun.

Ryota= Yeah and Gobta as well. Like how he blocked that giant axe with his blade.

Shion= He was saying that we all will be slaughtered. What a joke!

Rimuru= He kind of jinxed himself there. Because as soon as he said that. So many of his orc comrades were slaughtered.

Kenya= But Rimuru-sensei was that you who made that giant dome of black flames.

Chloe= Rimuru-sensei is the only one who has that ability. So of course, it would be him.

Rimuru= Well no it wasn't me.

Alice= Then who was it.

Rimuru= You will see in a second.

Gobta= Oh it looks like it has started already.

Orc General= What has started already?

As soon as he says that. Multiple of those fire domes appear on the battlefield. Killing tens of thousands of orcs. When smoke clears, it reveals the cause of this level of destruction. Benimaru, Hakorou and Shion.

As the Orc general looks back towards Gobta more Goblin Riders have appeared by now. So, he gets really angry. Gobta and Gabiru make a defensive line so that they won't get destroyed by the orcs.

At this time Benimaru makes another giant dome of black flames with his skill [Hell Flare], again incinerating a large number of orcs.

Kenya= Oh so it was Benimaru-san who was wreaking havoc in the orcs.

Gale= But when did he even get this ability.

Rimuru= I can give any of my ability to any of my subordinates who are capable of using them.

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