25| Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-five, fight! fight! fight!


it was party time, Matt had just pulled up near the Jackson household and parked the car.

"okay, make sure you always have your phone's on you and we'll meet up at the front when it's time to go" Matt said, as if he was the parent.

"okay dad" nick rolled his eyes playfully making us laugh.

"let's go guys" Chris said before we all go out the car.

we all made our way inside, nick and matt saw a pool table and decided to go straight to it.

"you reckon they have pepsi?" Chris asked, pulling me towards the kitchen as I made sure I didn't let go of his hand.

"fuck yeah!" Chris shouted as he got his hands-on the cold drink.

"I want some of this" I said before letting go of his hand and pouring the drink into my cup.

"hey look who it is" Chris nudged me, making me look up to see the blonde bitch that kissed my boyfriend not too long ago

"why the fuck is she here?" I asked making Chris look at me and shrug after taking a sip of his drink.

"she makes me so angry, like how did she kiss you after you told her several times you have a girlfriend, bitch saw me and still kissed you." I said as I downed my drink in one go, pulling a face at the gross flavour.

"hey," Chris spoke as he stood behind me and slid his arms around my waist, putting his head on my shoulder.

"it doesn't matter, I'm still yours and I always will be. she kissed me, not the other way round, I don't even like her lex, you're my girl." he smiled as he kissed my cheek. making me blush, the words 'you're my girl' starting a tornado in my stomach. he couldn't get any cuter.

"it's not just the kiss, before we left she went past me saying "he's not going to be with you for long, ugly fuck" or some shit like that. it pissed me off" I complained, drinking another cup of whatever it was.

"you never told me she said that?" 

"didn't think I needed to" I shrugged "lexi-" he started before i cut him off and pulled his face down for a kiss making him kiss back.

"Lexi what are you doing?" Chris asked as he pulled away. 

"kissing my boyfriend?" I said before turning to kiss him again, this time he stopped me.

"dude, why can't I kiss you?" 

"Lexi, how many of those have you had?" he asked making me try and count how many times I had refilled my cup.

"I don't know" I shrugged making him laugh.

"your drunk" 

"no I am not." 


"yes" I nodded "you look beautiful" i smiled making him laugh


"come on" i sighed before taking her hand and pulling her to matt and nick.

"hey, you all look the same." she laughed with a hiccup, i swear she didn't drink that much. 

"oh my god chris, did you let her get drunk." nick scolded 

"what the fuck! how is it my fault?" 

"you were the only one with her bro," matt added
"i didn't know she was a lightweight! we saw summer and then she started talking about what happened and i guess i didn't notice her drinking so much." i said before looking over at lexi who was now sat on a couch.

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