01| Chapter One.

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Chapter One, I like you. 


Chris Sturniolo had always been my crush, ever since 6th grade. Yeah, he didn't know I existed back then, but that didn't stop my feelings for him; in fact, they just grew stronger.

I hated myself for that, for letting Chris get to my head so much that he was all I thought about.

The first day he ever acknowledged me was in social studies; we were paired to work together on a project. God, I remember that day like it was yesterday.

Chris wasn't in on the day partners were assigned and because i was the last one to get picked, i had to pair with Chris, and I cant say i wasn't happy about it but i also can't say i was thrilled.

I mean, Chris was said to be an asshole. I know stereotypical right? The high school hotties an asshole. I chose not to believe the rumors; obviously, I had a hard crush on the guy but also because I never liked judging people without knowing them first, but then again, there was a slight fear of what if he did live up to the rumours, it's not really like he would be nice to me, I'm quite literally the epitome of loser at this moment of time, and boys definitely do not like me, I wouldn't be surprised if he through a fit just for being partnered with me.

and now I'm a hypocrite for second guessing him, what happened to the no believing rumours mindset?

The next day when Chris was in He got told he was working with me and surprisingly he didn't look mad about it, but that doesn't go the same for all the girls, i got a lot of dirty looks from them When Chris walked over and sat next to me.

When we got given everything we Needed for the "Baby project" baby dolls, diapers, clothes and yes Me and Chris were gonna look after a baby together, well mostly me because i don't really expect Chris Sturniolo to take a class project seriously. which is also me judging him, again. I really have to stop.

"okay so this isn't any doll, these dolls are connected to an app, where i can see everyone's progress, if it cries, if its not been fed and how happy it is and next week i will be giving grades on how well you did" Mr Reeves said, turning to his computer

"So Alexis, right?" he said, facing me

"Alexa actually, but you can call me lexi," I spoke with a sigh

"I need an A on this, or else I get kicked off the lacrosse team, and that can't happen, so we need to make this work."

Wow, I was expecting him to tell me to do all the work. fuck, I'm judging, again.

"All we need to do is take care of this baby, so feed, change, and make sure nothing happens to it. It should be easy."

"All right, so that means one of us have to be around the baby at all times, right?"

"Well yeah," I said as I laid down on the desk still facing him, for a girl who has a major crush on the dude, I'd say i'm handling this situation pretty well

"Um, you can stay over this weekend?"

"Sorry, what?"

"uh, yeah, You can stay at my house if you want, obviously, if you need to do anything Matt can drive you home?" he asked, giving me an award winning smile

"Sure." I wish I didn't say that.

"Wait, will your parents care?"

I wish she cared

"ha no." i scoffed before realising who i just said that to.

like I said, handling the situation perfectly.

Chris looked at me weird but then brushed it off as he pulled his phone out and handed it to me, so I looked up at him

"Your number?"

"oh uh," I said, taking in the whole situation, chris sturniolo baisically just asked me for my number, it doesnt matter whatever the reason he did it for, he fucking asked for my number, I am screaming right now, there is no way this is real.

"I'm not going to give it to anyone," he said because I accidentally zoned out and now I look like I think I'm some celebrity who's scared of getting their number leaked, what the fuckk.

"Oh yeah, I didnt think that" I said with a little laugh, typing my number into his phone.

"So the next class we have together is art, which is last so you can come with us, yeah?


"Oh yeah, me, Matt and Nick."


and that was how it started, me and chris spent the rest of the class on our phones and when it was over we went our separate ways, i had no clue that this weekend would be the worst and best days of my life.


I LOVE YOU, exclusivesturniolo.
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I love you | Chris SturnioloOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz