28| Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight, Prom day.


after the little photo shoot, they had both decided to just go home, prom was in a few hours and Chris could tell Lexi was excited for it, i mean, so was he. He couldn't wait to see Lexi in her dress and he already knew she couldn't wait to put it on, it was evident from the way she would just talk about it. 

"so you guys told everyone?" nick asked as they both went to sit down on the couch in the living room.

"yes we did" Chris smiled, Chris was happy he didn't have to hide their relationship anymore and he was even happier with the outcome, no one had really hated on either of them the way he expected them too and they all seemed really happy for them, sure there was the one odd hate comment that was posted mainly out of jealousy but apart from that, Chris was happy about it.

"I'm glad you did Chris." Matt smiled, he was proud of Chris for over coming his 'fear' of having a girlfriend in the first place but even prouder for being able to tell everyone, he read the comments, ready to jump at any hate ones, being the good brother he is, and saw nearly all of them being positive, apart from the one or two jealous twelve year olds. he couldn't be happier for his brother. 

"i'm glad i did too." chris sighed before placing his arm around lexi's shoulder. 

"guys, you both should invite zain and mave over, they could get ready here and we could all hang until prom."

"sure i'll ask zain if he has anything to do." nick said before picking his phone up and messaging him.

"What about you matt?"

"yeah, i'll ask her now." he said picking his phone up too.

"i'm so excited to meet her! she's so cool."

"is she one of your friend crushes alexa?" nick asked, raising his eye brow making her smile. she was referring to a tiktok he had sent her recently 

"oh my god,  that tiktok about friend crushes, they're so real." lexi laughed before the room fell silent as each one of them scrolled through their phones, laughing at the random Instagram reel and saying random things to each other.

"no joke Instagram reels are so underrated."

"yes! i don't get why they're so much funnier than tiktoks even though half of them are literal reposts of tiktoks." nick agreed.

"i think just calling it an Instagram reel automatically makes it 100 times funnier." matt added.

"i fucking love Instagram reels man." chris said before getting up to get a Pepsi.

"we're so fucking random." lexi laughed.

the four then sat in the living room for another half an hour before nick decided it was enough.

"guys we're being so fucking boring, let's go do something." nick clapped his hands making the rest of them groan.

"what do you want to do and when are zain and mave gonna be here?"

"she said shes coming after her basketball practice so probably another 20 minutes or something."

"okay, and zain?" lexi asked turning her head to nick.

"i don't know, he said he would only be-" nick started before they all heard a knock at the door.

"well would you look at that?" lexi smiled making nick give her a nervous smile.

"boys? wanna go get the door with me?" she asked chris and matt making them nod with a smile.

"hey guys!" zain happily started as the door opened, "am I late?" he said as he walked in

"don't worry about it, you were just on time" matt cut him 

"hello zain, it's nice to see you again" she smiled as he gave her a hug.

"bitch, don't nice to see me, you never called or messaged me."

"sorry, i've been busy and it slipped my mind."

"yes i know you've been busy." he laughed looking over at chris.

"hi zain" chris smiled as zain said hi to matt and nick.

"my bitch over here! how are you!" zain shouted walking over to nick and pulling him into a hug.

"i wanna see your room in real life."

"you've seen it not in real life?" matt asked

"obvs i saw it on face time." zain rolled his eyes playfully.

"yeah matt, get it right" chris teased with a laugh before zain and nick disappeared into his room and matt had gone into his.

"hi chris" i mumbled as i walked over to chris and hugged him from behind.

"hi lexi" he whispered back as he put his hands on top of mine. "you okay?"

"mhm" i said squeezing him tighter making him laugh.

"you sure?" he laughed making me nod.

"i missed you."

"i've been here the whole time?"

"i know." i sighed before it felt silent. i loved being with everyone, but the times where it was just chris and i, they were my favourite. he was my favourite.

"and you're sure you're okay?" he asked, looking over his shoulder as we stood there.  

"yes chris, i'm fine. you worry too much." i laughed making him smile as i let go of him.

"only for you babe." he smiled before matt came running out of him room and stood at the door. 

"what the fuck are you doing bro." 

"mave's on her way."

"chill out dude, come on, you can't stand there."

"matt, calm down, you'll be fine, i promise."

"are you sure? what if she doesn't like me."

"dude of course she will, you're such a cool person, there's no way she won't"

"and she's going to prom with you matt, she wouldn't have said yes if she didn't."

"yeah but she's never actually spent time with me outside of school."

"you'll be great matt, trust me." i smiled before we heard a knock on the door as nick and zain joined us. 

"fucking hell matt go open it!" chris said when she knocked for a second time.

"hey mave" matt smiled, moving out of the way to let her in as he ran a hand through his hair. 

"hello matt." she grinned back as she walked in.

"woah, a lot of people." she said as she looked over at us. 

"mave, this is-" matt started, ready to introduce her to his brothers.

"wait, can i guess please i think i know." she smiled, cutting matt off making me laugh. 

"sure, go ahead."

"okay so i'm gonna say." she paused looking at nick and chris. "you are nick and you are chris." she said pointing at them.

"yes i am." nick smiled making her smile brighter.

"no fucking way" she laughed before walking over to give him a hug.

"it's nice to finally meet you mave" 

"you too nick"

"hey mave" zain waved from beside nick.

"why hello zain, I wasn't expecting you to be here today." she joked before pulling him into a hug, it wasn't shocking that she already knew zain, i mean the whole school did, he made sure to make quite a statement when he moved. 

"chris and lexi" she grinned standing in front of us.

"you guys are the cutest, i'm so jealous of you guys." she said pulling me into a hug and smiling at chris. 

"well now that everyone's here, what do you guys want to do?" nick asked as everyone started to say their ideas.

"hey is it okay if i let mave put her stuff with mine" i whispered to chris to make sure he was okay with me telling her to put her stuff in his room.

"yeah sure, my suits in nicks room anyway, it's all yours." he smiled

"mave, come on, i'll show you where you can put your stuff" i said making her nod as she picked up her stuff. 

"i'll be back" i whispered to chris before turning around and leading her to chris' room.

"are you excited for prom?" i asked trying to make conversation with her.

"i'll be honest, i'm shitting myself" 


"yeah, i mean, i've never said anything to matt after our English classes, so i didn't really expect him to ask me to prom."

"did you want him too?" 

"i mean- i don't know"

"aww your blushing."

"shut up."

"I guess i did, i just didn't expect it, he's so, him and i'm just" 

"babe your literally stunning, i'm so jealous of you, matt is so lucky to have you as his prom date, if chris didn't ask me i probably would've asked you myself." i said making her laugh.

"shut up, you're so gorgeous, chris is lucky to have you as his girlfriend."

"i've known you for about five minutes and i already love you so much."

"me too, we're gonna be such good friends, i can already tell." she gave her such a bright smile, this small, but meaningful conversation had made something click in her head, if people as pretty as mave have trouble seeing how pretty they actually are, maybe she wasn't weird for not believing people, it was almost normal. maybe, she wasn't weird, she was normal and maybe, this was her beginning to accept herself. 



I LOVE YOU, exclusivesturniolo.
don't forget to comment and vote, i love you so much.

I'm sorry! I'm absolutely rubbish at posting these chapters, but I'm gonna try to be more active i swear! I hope you guys enjoyed this long awaited long chapter, let me know >>>
thanks for reading and I love you all so so much.


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