10| Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten, I left you.


We both walked back, hand in hand.
I thought everything was perfect, key words, I thought.

When we got back, Nick and Matt were already in bed, so we went up to his room and went to bed.

But the next morning, Chris started acting weird. he didn't say a word to me; he was acting like the kiss didn't even happen; he was ignoring me.

When we all got into the Van, Matt kept looking and me through the mirror, wiggling his eyebrows towards chris, practically asking me what was up when chris was sat looking out the window, silent, I just shrugged my shoulders, I had no clue myself and I was worried, did that kiss ruin everything?

When we got out of the car, Chris rushed off, leaving me with Matt and Nick.

"Hey, did anything happen on your walk yesterday? he seems off," Matt asked me as we got to our lockers.

"No." I blankly replied. I wasn't sure if chris wanted them to know about the kiss, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring it up.

"You sure?" Nick furrowed his eyebrows; he could see right through me.

My eye caught something on the other side of the hallway at that moment; it was chris, and he was kissing Olivia. Of course he was; I can't believe I thought I had a chance with him. Of course it's Olivia.

"Hello? Are you sure?" Nick waved his hand over my face

"Yes, Nick, I'm sure!" I shut my locker and walked away, pulling my backpack over my shoulders. I was annoyed, chris kissed me, he took my first kiss, all for what? Just to go back to Olivia and act like it never happened? I can't believe I even thought I had a chance with him in the first place. There was no way.

The first lesson was social studies and I was pissed off, chris now sat next to me in that lesson because of the project and I wanted to throw up.

When I got to the lesson, Chris was already there. I went and sat in my seat as sir talked for ages; he then started giving out the scores on the assignment.

"Hey." he started with a small smile that I ignored. "What are you just ignoring me?" He asked with a frown

"Funny, you've been doing that all morning," I replied, talking the paper from our teacher.

"I was just thinking this morning; I've had a lot on my mind." He said blankly. "So much that you decided to kiss Olivia right after me." I scoffed, looking away from him.

"look im sorry" he started before i cut him off "no chris, you can't just tell me you like me and kiss me one day then go and kiss another girl the next, its doesn't fucking work like that, you took my first kiss you ass."

"It was a mistake and You shouldn't have kissed me then," he snapped. I felt my heart drop; what the fuck?

"You said you liked me" my heart had dropped to my stomach and was beating at 50 miles per hour at this point.

"yeah, well, i was joking" he said as he stared out the window behind me

"what?" i felt a tear roll down my eye as i brushed it off

"i was just joking" he laughed, that hurt.

i had enough of the lesson, and i wanted out. it felt like chris just took my heart and smashed it onto the floor, then stomped on it for good measure.

so i got up with my bag, "you know what chris, everyone was right about you, you are an ass-hole." and i left, i left because i didn't want to be near him any longer, he was a dick. maybe i should start judging people by what everyone says, it would have saved me from all of this.

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