09| Chapter Nine.

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Chapter Nine, I kiss you.


"Hey, Matt and Nick are waiting in the van. Do you want to come?"

"I kind of want to walk if that's okay?" she asked, looking at me

"Oh yeah, sure, I'll just tell them we're walking." I pulled out my phone before I felt her hand on top of mine.

"Chris, you don't have to walk with me, you know?" her eyes met mine again

"I know." I smiled, opening Matt's contact

"Is it alright if me and lexi walk home?" I asked fingers crossed they drive home

"Did you make out yet?" Nick shouted as they both started giggling like 10-year-old girls

"Yeah, yeah, very funny." I rolled my eyes playfully, hearing lexi laugh

"Ok, did you make up at least?" Nick said, now calming down

"No, we're walking home together so we can yell at each other. Of course, we made up you dumb fuck." I sighed as lexi laughed again

"Okay, yes, you can walk home with your girlfriend, just don't take too long. I want a hug from lexi, it's been too long." lexi smiled

"Yeah, okay, see you later." I hung up and slid my phone back into my pocket as I got up from my seat next to lexi.

"shall we m'lady?" I laughed, placing my hand out for her to hold "we shall, " she giggled, taking it


We both walked holding hands and just enjoying each others company in silence until chris eventually broke it.

"Hey, do you think we're moving too fast?" he asked, stopping me to face him.

I didn't want to admit it to him, but the same question was running through the back of my head for a while now.

"What do you mean?"

"Us. Do you think we were moving too fast?"

"What are we, chris? friends?"

"That's the thing, we've only known each other for 2 days, and I'm not even sure I want to be just friends." his hand ran through his hair.

"What are you saying?" Of course I knew what he was saying. I just wanted to hear it out loud.

"I'm saying that I want to be more than friends, lexi. but I feel like things are going so quickly that I'm not ever sure exactly what I want."

"look lexi, we only met each other 2 days ago but i already get all nervous around you, I get jealous when your around other people, I've never had these feelings before and I'm fucking terrified of it all."

"So, what does that mean, Chris?" I asked now having no clue where this conversation was leading.

"I mean, I feel like I'm getting attached to this one-sided thing. I like you, lexi, like a lot. but you probably don't feel the same." he sighed, starting to walk again

fucking hell. Chris Sturniolo just said he likes me. The Chris I've liked since six grade. What the fuck. There's no way.

"Chris you have no idea," I laughed as his eyebrows furrowed

"What do you mean?"

"I've always had a crush on you Chris, however you want to take it, but you were like my middle school crush that never stopped being my crush, and i never even thought you would talk to me, you know since im like non existent in school. But fuck. What I'm trying to say is I like you too, chris, I always have." I sighed

"Wait, so you've had a crush on me since middle school?" he smirked

"Is that all you picked up from that, chris?"

"No, I heard it all, and I'm over the fucking moon about it, but" he started

"You're cute." he smiled

"Just shut up." I rolled my eyes

"Make me." he said as butterflies swarmed my stomach

"What is this the bit where I kiss you?" I joked awkwardly

"Yeah, it is," he said, his face now in front of my own. he looked me in my eyes.

"Is it bad that I Want you to kiss me lexi?" He whispered, his eyes dropped down to my lips

"Sorry, what?" My eyes widened

"Can I kiss you?" He said, this time louder, I gave him a little nod before he closed the space in between us and our lips connected

The butterflies in my stomach were now clearer than ever, and I wanted to scream.

chris sturniolo was kissing me in the middle of the night.

We both pulled away for air, but the blush on chris' cheeks didn't go unnoticed and I'm sure the same went for me.

"That was," he started "amazing." I finished as a smile crept onto his.

Realisation hit me. Okay, I just kissed Chris Sturniolo, the quiet literal love of my life.

A few days ago, If you told me I would be friends with Chris, I would have laughed in your face and called you crazy, but now I can say that I kissed him, I kissed you.


I LOVE YOU, exclusivesturniolo.
don't forget to comment and vote, i love you so much.

So Sorry once again for the long wait, and the short chapter! I've been working on a new story and I also had a bit of writers block for this one! But the next chapter will be longer! Hope you all liked it and I love you!

I love you | Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now