23| Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter twenty-three, beat her ass


As soon as Jacob had started his break he made his way to my table, with a cup.

"how's the drink?" he asked as he slid into the seat in front of me.

"not bad Jacob, didn't think you'd be a hot chocolate guy." 

"I come with many surprises" he smiled making me smile back.

"speaking of surprises, I was quite surprised when I found out someone told everyone I was a Jacob Jackson obsessed freak."

"ah, so where doing this now?" he said making an awkward face.

"I'm sorry, you just left me on read, and I don't think I'll ever see you again so I thought why not."

"no, no, you don't need to apologise, I should be the one apologising."

"I am sorry for leaving you on read, it's just not everyday I get messages of people asking me why I did what I did years ago"

"oh really? I thought you'd get one everyday, especially with the kind of person you were."

"okay, ouch, but deserved" he put his hands up with a laugh making me smile,

"I'm actually surprised you've changed, I would have ever expected to be talking to you right now" 

"yeah well, thought it was about time, and anyways, why be a prick when the main reason I was one isn't in the picture anymore." he shrugged looking down at the hot chocolate that was in his hands.

"you are talking about school right?" I asked to make sure. "yes I am alexa, the only reason I chose to be an ass to people was because people would praise me, I was to self-absorbed to see that I was hurting people."

"well I'm glad you've changed." I smiled making him do too.

"I'm sorry for that rumour I spread about you, it wasn't very cool alexa"

"no it was not cool Jacob, but it's fine and you call me Lexi"

"okay Lexi, what are you doing here anyway" 

"well, believe it or not, I'm with the sturniolo triplets, there as that studio across the road." I said before Jacob started laughing, making everyone look at us.

"what the fuck Jackson!" I shouted, hitting his arm.

"no I'm sorry, I'll stop." he said starting to stop himself.

"I don't think I can take another sorry from you today." I groaned. "what the fuck, why are you laughing anyway"

"you're here, with the sturniolo triplets? as in Chris sturniolo and his brothers, no fucking way"

"bro, fuck off, your still an ass" I groaned again

"no, no I'm not! i swear" he laughed "it's just, how much has changed since I left? you weren't friends with anyone"

"I know, i'm still trying to get my head around it all, me and chris got paired up for a project and i guess we clicked,"

"damn, didn't think he had it in him."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"no he's a great guy, i've just never seen him with someone he hasn't known since 1st grade you know? hes never made new friends, always kept to what he knows." he sighed "don't blame him, i wish i did too, probably wouldn't have done half the shit i did."

"has he been friends with Olivia since 1st grade?"

"i'm not sure how they became friends, but they were. she changed when she got to high school, big time. she used to be really nice."

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