Chapter 27

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No one's POV:

"PROTECT THE STUDENTS! MAKE SURE NONE OF THOSE CREATURES GET PASSED YOU" Snipe yells as he pulls out his guns and loads them, quickly aiming for the creatures skull. There was hundreds of Nomu and behind that almost impenetrable wall of monsters was AFO sitting in a chair and watching as hero's both defeat his creations and struggle.

All hero's, teachers and vigilantes were involved in the fight, protecting what they believed in. Even Dabi and Shigaraki were in on the fight. But they were distracted and it was clear to see. The were more focused on a certain feline who has been asleep for four days. They were making sure no one got near the school, mainly because they didn't want to see her hurt.

They fought for hours before more back up arrived, many hero's and vigilante's were heavily injured and the medical room in UA became like a makeshift medical tent you'd see in a war movie. People were on the beds, on the floor and even leaning up against the wall as three medical hero's rush around the room trying to heal them as best as they possibly could.

The battle continued until it got dark and the streets weren't even illuminated by the street lamps anymore since they had been destroyed. Many were fighting blind or using random statures of fire to help them see. The hero's were starting to struggle and the Nomu's and villains were starting to break through their defences.

That's when they heard it. That painful wailing sound coming from within UA grounds but not from the med wing.


One moment the dorms where fine the next, half of UA's dorm building collapsed and a giant black mass began to move, then a giant claw left the dorms and dug into the floor. This was followed by another claw then an entire body. Then the monstrous black mass opened its maw, revealing their large sharp teeth, and let's out another loud, almost deafening roar.

Everyone froze in place as they watched the mass shake off all the debris from the fallen dorm building and dig it's claws into the ground, it's tail swaying behind it before opening its eyes. It's striking blue eyes and grey sclera.


Dabi's POV:

It was hard to continue fighting, I was so tired and everything hurt. I was just about to collapse under the weight of a Nomu when it stopped its attack and looked behind me.

The ground shook and suddenly the half of the dorm building collapsed and a giant creature climbed out. I watched as it shook off the debris and let out a pained, confused sound. It took me a moment but when I clicked I quietly said, "Yuuma?"

Shigaraki looked over at me like I was crazy but then he took a closer look. The blue eyes. The almost neon green colouring on the claws and tail. Those stupid piercings that jingle when she scratches them. And that dumb ankle bracelet and bell that does not make her any less sneaky.

"Oh my god.." he mumbled beside me. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Shigaraki yells, both confused and outraged. His screeching broke the silence, making the giant jaguar look over at us. If everyone could freeze up more, then they did. Everyone was like a statue as she stared at us for a minute unblinking, before she tilted her head and let out a loud, angry sound that could only be described as a war cry.

Next thing I know, she's jumped over the gate and is decimating every nomu in her path whilst villains run away in fear. All for one yelled in outrage but couldn't get closer, "make sure he doesn't get near Yuuma!" I yell out to the other hero's.

"Aizawa! The gun!" I yell, pointing towards the quirk nullifying bullets he had inside the gun on his waist. The tired hobo in question nodded his head and moved to climb a still standing building, being as sneaky as possible. Thankfully the baked potato was distracted because Ass Might was fighting a losing battle with him.


When I have a chance I yell into the small ear piece I had in, "are all citizens evacuated?!" It took a moment and a lot of different people saying stuff before I got a solid, "everyone is out. No citizen is within a 25 mile radius." That was basically a go for anyone with a destructive quirk to let rip and take no prisoners.

Let's just say the old boss and I had a bit of fun with our quirks, we also saw a bunch of other hero's and vigilantes having the time of their lives now knowing we had an absolute beast on our side. And god was Yuuma not letting anyone escape. There were moments where I almost felt bad for them, key word: almost.


I was dragged out of the battlefield by Shigaraki, he was also limping but was more able to help me. I turn my head as much as possible to see Yuuma. Our beloved feline. She was mildly injured and had Nomu's climbing all over her whilst she killed more of those creatures. In a fit of what I could only call irritation, she stopped fighting laid down on the floor and rolled over all the animus climbing on her.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, not caring if it hurt my injured ribs or made my staples pull at my skin more. Even in this giant, fifty foot tall (15 meters), form she still acted like she would as a normal sized jaguar. It was a sight to see and probably would be much funnier if I wasn't injured and if there wasn't currently a war going on. It was still amusing though.

After that I kind of blacked out. I remember Yuuma rolling on top of a bunch of Nomu's, laughing then I must've passed out because when I woke up again god knows how many hours later Shigaraki looks like he could kill me.

A/n: this has been long over due and here it is! I have delivered as promised- part one of the battle. I hope you enjoyed the plot twist and the drama, it'll only continue. Sorry it was a bit late. I think I'm depressed or something? Dunno but I'm trying to figure shit out and I feel bad I haven't posted in awhile. But I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1086

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