Chapter 11

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"Hey Yumma" Kirishima calls from across the room, the tired feline lazily saunters over with a small smile and lets out a cat like chirp. "Can we ask you a question?" She nods. "Why don't you wear shoes? I mean, we get you have cat feet but can't you have specially made shoes?" Yuuma freezes up, her tail bristles and her ears flatten on the top of her head. Her entire demeanour changed from laid back to on guard and ready to fight in a split second. But just as quickly as her tail bristled, she calmed herself down. She laid her tail onto her hand and flattened down the remaining fur that was standing on end.

"They weigh me down. They feel like shackles. That's all." And off she goes. Kirishima felt as if he had brought something up he shouldn't of, he felt a little guilty to say the least. Whilst he did bring up memories Yuuma knew it wasn't intentional and that not many knew of her past. A select few of the teachers and maybe a couple third years but that's it.

Feeling a bit down she decides that she is going to spend the day with her adopted father and use him as a pillow or stuffed toy for the entirety of the school day. As she walked to his office her thoughts consumed her, putting her into a more negative state of mind. Shortly after she arrived, she realised what the date was. She simply picked up Nezu and laid down with him in her arms, a warm comforting scent lulling her to sleep. She usually does this to make her feel better and to mildly irritate Nezu but today the stout could tell something was up. There was no playfulness in her voice when she spoke, she wasn't loud or energetic like usual after. It didn't take longer for him to realise the issue though. He didn't have the heart to tell her that he was busy so he let her man handle him until she was in a comfortable position and she fell asleep.

So that's how this situation came to be...

Yuuma was laying on her side with Nezu in her arms, the feline was sound asleep and hadn't moved for the past hour and a half (which was unusual enough), Nezu simply laid beside her and read all the paper documents he could. Sometimes Yuuma would roll over or nuzzle into him whilst he worked.

This led to a very confused Yagi and a slightly concerned hobo along with two confused students. You guessed it, the Pomeranian started a fight with the resident problem child which led to this. Nezu didn't bother to move but still greeted the four of them. "Welcome. Only two will be able to sit, Izuku and Bakugo sit. Aizawa and Yagi can stand. Now what is the problem this time? And do try to keep your voice down, Yuuma seems to be having a bit of a rough day." Aizawa instantly understood and nodded whilst the other three simply nodded in confusion.

-after explaining-

"Bakugo will be meeting with hound dog right after this instead of his usual weekly sessions as this needs to be spoken about and these sessions might increase or you will take a session together to work it out together. Bakugo will also be writing an apology letter on bullying and quirk discrimination. Izuku and Bakugo will both apologise to your classmates for causing a scene. And simply to make it fair because Izuku did retaliate with his quirk as well, he will clean after class tomorrow. Any questions?" Bakugo was fuming but didn't say anything. Izuku was simply relieved he wasn't getting suspended and that Nezu listened to both sides. Aizawa wanted to know what had Yuuma so upset. Yagi...he..well, his curiosity got the better of him.

"Why do you favour her so much? And why is it that you do not care what this young lady does? So she might be a bit upset but that doesn't mean she can impose on someone like this, what if you had something really important to do or if she did the to someone else? Also why is she never in class? If she is a delinquent and is skipping class with your permission I would like to know why." Aizawa had the students leave the room whilst he stayed behind to make sure Nezu won't kill him.

Nezu decided to sit up, rearranging the both of them so her head was on his lap. She was still out cold and the stout was happy about that. "Not that any of this is truly your concern Yagi but I do suppose I can say a few bits and pieces so you can finally shut that big mouth of yours." Nezu says with an obviously fake smile that had a sinister edge to it. "She is my daughter. No she is not skipping, she finished all course work provided within her first year and is only here in name until she is old enough to get her licence. I do care what she does but I trust her to make the right decisions and if she doesn't she will correct them herself or ask for help. The rest I don't see a reason to disclose to you. Goodbye Yagi." The skeleton of a man simply nods and leaves the room without saying a word.

Aizawa sighs and looks at Nezu, his fur was slightly bristled and it was obvious he was agitated. "Each year without fail she always falls back into a depression at this time. It's the one habit I've yet to rid her of. You don't have an idea on how to get rid of this?" Aizawa simply shakes his head, "wish I did. I would rather have her annoying usual self rather than her depressed state. I'll try to keep an eye on her when I can though." Nezu looks down to his adopted daughter and gently strokes her hair, "that would be appreciated. Also, could you check if she's had more than a tongue bath if she joins your lessons? You know how bad her hygiene can get when she's like this." Aizawa grunts and leaves the room. The last thing he saw was Nezu's ears flatten slightly, in anger or sadness he doesn't know, he just knows that the next week will be rough for the resident feline.

A/n: don't be mad at Kiri for being curious and don't be mad at Yuuma for being sad either. It was simply bad timing. Sorry for the more negative chapter. I messed up my exam dates and have missed two of my GCSEs so I'm a little upset. The next chapter will be more positive though.

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Word count: 1155

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