Chapter 2

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I smile at her. "What's your name, princess?"

"I'm Lauren Adams. What's yours?"

"I'm Jacinta Collins. Do you know where I can find Jemma's Diner?"

The mother points it.

I see the window sign 'Jemma's Diner." I had to cause a pile-up in front of the diner I need to go to.

I pick up my phone and call Ryker.

Ryker: Hello?

Me: It's, Jacinta. I won't be back to work for the rest of the day.

Ryker: What happened?

Me: Umm, I caused a pile-up in front of Jemma's Diner.

Ryker: How did you cause that?

Me: I had to swerve onto the other side of the car and doing that I got hit by another car. You know how the rest of the pile-up goes.

Ryker: Are you alright?

Me: Yes, but, I don't have a car to get my daughter. My car is totalled.

Ryker: Stay, where you are and I'll come and get you.

I put my phone in my pocket.

I need a warm drink.

I walk on shaky legs to the diner. "When the cops come tell them I'm in the diner."

At the diner I order a hot chocolate. The customers shake their heads at me.

"What?" I snap.

The waitress touches my arm. "We've never had an accident like this before."

I sigh. "It wasn't my fault. A little girl ran onto the road."

"What little girl?"

"Lauren Adams."

The customers run out of the diner.

What's the deal with this little girl?

I look at the woman's name tag. 'Rachelle'

"Excuse me, why did everyone run out when mentioned that little girls name?"

"Lauren, was blind at a young age and one morning she woke up and she could see things through fog. This week the pictures are getting clearer for her. She didn't think to check the road when she ran across it. The seeing is new to her, she's the towns miracle."

"Do you think I'm going to get arrested for the accident?"

She shakes her head. "Nah, the sheriff will let you off because you avoided hitting a girl. Did you get hurt in the accident?"

"No, I'm fine."

I call the preschool.

Helen: Hello?

Me: Hey, Helen. It's Jacinta. I was in a car crash and I have to go to the Police Station. If I'm not able to pick my daughter up, can someone else do it for me?

Helen: Yes, who would pick her up for you?

Me: Ryker Sullivan.

Helen: Okay, I'll put his name on the emergency contact for you.

Me: Thank you.

I put my phone on the table.

Ryker walks in the diner. "Jacinta!" he runs over to me and wraps me in his arms. I start crying and he holds onto me.

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