Chapter 2

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He was sitting at his desk twirling the paper weight on it and waiting for his beta Jake to come as soon as possible with the needed information he asked him to collect. Before the upcoming ball he wants all the information about that Alexander Suarez, the Alpha of the nightingale pack. The sole reason of the death of his mate. He asked for every single detailed information about Alexander even his servants details also and he was impatiently waiting for his Beta Jake to come and tell his rival's weakness.

His rare black eyes were focused on the twirling paperweight. His hairs were gelled back and was settled on his head. His chiselled sharp jawline was clenched tightly in impatientce. His muscular and vieny arms was now grabbing the paperweight tightly in his hand. His patience was running thin and his inner wolf is growling feeling so much anger for not getting the information of his mate Serene's death.

When he get to know that the attack was done by nightingale pack and its Alpha is Alexander Suarez he was ready to shred him in pieces with his bare hands but that coward ran away and was hidden for these past two years. Daxon used his every strength and power in searching for him but he found nothing but defeat.

And the fire is increasing in him by every single passing second and he burn the whole hell down on the earth when he will meet with that bastard Alexander Suarez. He will rain fire on the earth once he catches him.

The only way to caught him is to capture him in the trap of lies. So, he exactly did that. He announced in front of all the packs that he is ready to make a peace treaty between blood moon night pack and nightingale pack because he don't want any more war.

For making the peace treaty he organization a grand ball party. The invitations are already send to everyone no matter he is royal person or just a mere servant. Witches, warlocks, humans everyone is invited in this grand ball party and the most importantly the nightingale pack and all of his members are invited in the party.

He will trap the so called Alpha of that pack, Alexander and when that coward will show up he will caught him showing his death to him. He will snatch all his happiness from him like he did to him two years ago.

His long chain of thoughts broke when Beta Jake knocked on his door asking his permission for entering inside his office. He gave him a firm nod and Jake entered inside bowing his head infront of his Alpha.

Daxon peered at him sharply indicating him to spit out all the information he got about that bastard.

"Alpha there is nothing important we should know about him that we can use as his weakness." Jake said firmly but inside he was scared of his Alpha's reaction at the news he just told him.

Daxon eyes darkened in anger he tightened his hold around the paperweight making his knuckles turn completely red. He clenched the paperweight so hard in his hand that it crushed down in to tiny pieces and became dust. He opened his fist and that dust fell down on his desk. He was feeling so angry that he wants to torture someone so brutally.

"But Alpha." Jake remembered something and try to gain his angry Alpha's attention towards him.

Daxon snapped his pitch black eyes towards him indicating him with his black eyes that he don't want to listen any 'buts and ifs' now he want the proper information which he can use against Alexander.

"In my research I found something unusual." Jake said and paused properly thinking the exact information because any mistake can piss his Alpha off as that's the last thing he wants now.

"Alexander has a mate." Jake said making Daxon's eyebrows to arced at him. "Yes, Alpha I got an information by my trusted man that he has mate but she is forbidden." Jake continued.

At this time Daxon's ears were keenly listening to him not wanting to miss any information about the new person he just discovered about. 'Forbidden?' he thought in his mind but his gaze was on Jake.

"He always keeps his mate hidden and now one have ever saw her. The male servants of his castle are strictly prohibited to look at his mate. She lives in a restricted area of the castle and only few trusted female servants had saw her besides Alexander." Jake spluttered out all the information in one go not wanting to make his Alpha wait for even a minute now.

But Daxon's mind has already started running at the new information he just got from his Beta Jake.

'Why is his mate forbidden?' 'What's so much special in her?' 'Is he hiding her because of him?' 'Or she is that much beautiful that he don't want anyone to look at her?' and many more questions were continuously running in his mind.

What if his mate is so special for him?Then he will get more pleasure by snatching his happiness his mate from him just like he did to him. What if he will not bring his mate to the ball? But he has to because he made it compulsory for him to bring everyone from his pack and he will make sure to meet his mate in that ball party.

He moved his gaze to Jake and motioned his hand towards the door indicating him that he is dismissed now. Jake bowed his head again in front of him and walked away from his office.

Daxon was running his mind thinking different ways to hurt that Alexander and now he will not kill him that is confirmed now because killing him will end his all pain at once and he will not feel the intensity of his revenge. He will not feel the need to survive like he is feeling without his mate.

He closed his eyes and moved his head back turning his face towards the ceiling of his office. Now he have to think a better plan than killing him because that's the simplest punishment he will get for his deed. But he don't want that he wants him to cry and beg to him to kill him on his own and he will grant his wish when he will want. When he will completely feel satisfied of his sufferings and feel like his revenge is complete then he will give him a brutual death that everyone feel terrified of even think about crossing him.


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