Chapter 31

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Hazel was standing at terrace of the Daxon's castle looking at the small houses of his pack members. From the height she was standing on the houses were looking like some small boxes. The wind was blowing and cool breeze was slapping against her cheek making her feel free and satisfied. She was feeling like a normal woman who could do anything without anyone's permission, just because of Daxon.

After the dinner she wanted to see his whole castle because she found it dark yet beautiful and because of the night it was looking more dark than it was. But Daxon had to do some work with Beta Jake and Alanso to he asked her to explore from wherever she wants and he will join her after his work. But she was hesitant to wander around in someone else's castle but he assured her softly that she can go wherever she wants and he is no one to give her permission for such a small thing besides she is a woman of her own she can think from her own mind and don't need to work on other's words.

Why can't Alexander think like that? 'Because he is Alexander and Alpha Daxon is Daxon, both are different personalities.' her inner thoughts said to her making her shook her head at her own thoughts. The lightning of the whole area around his castle was enhancing the beauty of Daxon's territory. He must be so powerful to have this much big territory. Hazel amusingly gazed at the whole territory with her grey eyes.

Suddenly two bulky and muscular arms circled around her and rested on the railing trapping her between them. Hazel turned startled and immediately turned around to meet with the black pair of eyes already gazing at her. She recognized to whom these pair of eyes belongs and sighed in relief making Daxon amused. He amusingly gazed at her wanting to know what she must be thinking.

"Y-you scared me." Hazel said putting her delicate hand on her chest calming the increased pace of her heart.

"How did I scared you?" Daxon questioned back amusingly to her straightly gazing in her silver eyes through the veil.

"You came out of n-nowhere and thought s-someone else is present here." Hazel told him her hear what she felt thinking of someone unknown presence.

Daxon eyes softened a little watching the fear of some unknown man in her demeanor yet angry of thinking if someone will try to get this close to her then he will bury that bastard six feet under the ground alive.

"No one can come near you or hurt you, Sugar." Daxon asured her with his fists tightly clutched in the railing. But Hazel couldn't see then because they were behind her.

"How are y-you so sure?" Hazel stammered out because she is still new to this outerworld and don't know the evil and wicked minds of people out of here. But only if she knew right now she is standing with the most evil and cunning minded Alpha of this generation. No one is even near him and that's why he is so powerful yet dangerous.

"Because I will not let anyone come near to you with bad intentions." Daxon replied to her with so much firmness in his voice making it seem like like a promise. And it was true also it was his promise to her that he will not let anyone hurt her or come near her with bad intentions even Alexander.

Hazel swallowed hard hearing his cold and husky, firm voice. A chill ran down her spine hearing the authority and promise in his voice. But then she realized in what position they were standing and she turned nervous while shuffling at her place. Daxon gazed at her sudden changed expressions and his brows arched looking at her nervous state.

"What happened Sugar?" he asked her huskily making her head to snap at him.

"C-can you please remove your hands f-from here?" Hazel asked him politely as more as possible. He smirked at little at her making her bewildered and bent his upper body down coming to her level making her back away a little. She was stuck to the railing behind her and gulped hard looking at him.

Daxon moved his face closer to hers making her eyes to avert towards his lips and she swallowed softly looking at his lips. A sudden desire erupted in her to taste his lips once making her eyes widened at her irrational thoughts. Is she insane? How can she think like this for some other man than her husband? Daxon was keenly watching her every expression and saw something unusual in her grey eyes. Her grey eyes were swirling in desire for him and he internally smirked at his working plan.

Finally he erupted desire in a loyal woman who was so adamant to be with her husband and now here she is fantasizing about him. But he can't do anything now and seem like a desperate so he played his innocent, victim card.

"What if I don't remove it?" Daxon asked her confusingly like he don't know what she is been thinking.

Hazel composed herself by pushing her irrational thoughts out of her mind. "I-it is just n-not comfortable." Hazel stammered out nervously and looked down on the floor. He knew she is lying but decided to comply her words so he can come out more understanding and perfect man to her.

He removed his hands from the railing and backed away a little from her making a safe distance between them. The warmness of his body get away from her and she started feeling cold, making her pout a little under her veil like she was a kid does when some toy is get snatched from them.

Daxon looked at her amusingly with a little shocked eyes watching a pout displaying on her lips just because he got away from her. Is his plan working so much fast? Or she also wants some pleasure like him because after all she is a woman and has her own needs but that was not his concern now. He wants to make her have a intercourse with him as soon as possible so that Alexander could feel the pain of living without a mate.

And he will feel double pain because his mate will be alive still she will not be with him. His prized possession will be snatched away from him which he safely hided for years from this outer world more precisely from him.

"I want to show you something Sugar." he suddenly said making her gaze to raise at him confusedly.

He saw the confusion on her face and knew he had to clear it after showing her what he wanted to show to her for a long time.

"Come I will show you the castle and a secret place of mine." Daxon said making her brows creased and she looked at him confusingly.

"I-If that is your secret p-place that why do you want to s-show it to me?" Hazel asked her the valid point and he already knew she would ask him this because it was the next plan of his wicked conspiracy.

"Because you are special to me." He said to her genuinely but in his cold and husky voice making it look like more true but it already was.

Even he will not admit it but it was the bitter truth that he also felt some connection with her. Not only Storm but he also felt a connection with her since he saw her for the first time but he didn't wanted to admit it because he is blinded by the revenge and redemption for the death of his mate but what wrong he doing was taking revenge from someone who don't even know anything about it just because she was related to Alexander he decided to include her in his game of redemption and vegenance.


Now I'm going to give daily updates on this book so stay tuned😘

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