Chapter 10

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Alexander entered inside the meeting chamber taking in the beauty of the Royal castle. He was overwhelmed with the beauty of the castle. The guards left him from the entrance of the meeting chamber.

He stopped when he saw Daxon sitting like a king there while Jake was standing beside him. His body tensed watching his aura. He bowed his head in front of him showing the respect.

"Alpha Daxon." he greeted him making him firmly nod his head at him.

"Come and sit here." Jake ordered him showing the chair placed in front of Daxon.

Alexander slowly walked to the chair and sat there nervously. He was praying in his mind not to do any mistake in front of him. Daxon's keen sharp gaze was drilling holes in his forehead. There was complete silence in the chamber making everything awkward for Alexander.

"You called me?" Alexander asked hesitantly to him. The more time was passing the more he was feeling nervous of the situation.

Again Alexander gave him a firm nod making him grimaced. Then he finally opened his mouth and uttered "The responsibilities I'm going to handover you now will give you more power and wealth. Do you know that?" he asked him clasping his fingers together in a tight grip.

"Y-Yes alpha I know." Alexander said to him but inside his greedy mind was imagining a lot of things after he will become powerful and rich.

"But I have to tell you that, you have to give me something in exchange of it." he said keenly watching his reaction and all colours faded from Alexander's face.

'What possible he can ask from him?' 'What if he ask for something that he can't give to him?' Alexander thought.

On the other hand, Jake was also thinking that what is his Alpha is thinking now. Will he directly put his demand in front of Alexander? No it's not possible at all.

"W-What alpha?" Alexander stuttered out this time scared of his demand.

"I want you loyalty and devotion towards me." Daxon simply said smirking internally at his scared reaction and pale face.

"Y-yes of course Alpha. Who can dare to cross you?" Alexander chuckled nervously but somewhere feeling relieved of his demand.

"Why are you so tensed?" suddenly Jake interrupted making Alexander's head snap towards him. "No I'm not." Alexander said smiling while perfectly maintaining his posture.

This time Daxon leaned a little forward and straightly gaze in his eyes. His black eyes scaring the shit out of Alexander. But Daxon was gazing in his eyes silently like searching for something in his eyes.

"How's your wife?" he suddenly asked making Alexander and Jake both of them eyes widened. When Alexander moved his gaze towards Jake he again turned his face firm making Alexander to turn back his head towards Daxon.

"She's fine. Alpha." he replied him but internally he didn't even liked a bit, him mentioning his wife in between their conversation. No matter who he don't like his wife's mention on any other men's tongue. He clenched his fists but didn't let shown that on his face. But Daxon noticed it.

"Did I offend you by asking about your wife?" he asked amusingly yet firmly making Alexander realize he can't hide anything from this man's black eyes.

"N-No alpha it's nothing like that." he completely lied laughing a little.

"Hmm I see." Daxon said playfully rubbing his chin with his forefinger.

"Because I think I'm a monster in disguise. So I can be offensive sometimes." Daxon said smiling sickly.

Sweat ran off from Alexander's forehead when realisation hit him hard that he heard his conversation with Hazel where he was telling her to not to offend him because he is a monster in disguise. Alexander's face was looking like a ghost passed away from infront of his face.

"I think I should go alpha my wife would be waiting for me." he tried to change the topic completely and wanted to ran off from there immediately before his head would be on floor seperated from his body.

"It's okay at least you came here at my order or I have sued you." Daxon said playfully this time but there was a odd darkness in his eyes after hearing him saying Hazel, his wife.

Storm was ready to attack him because he still thinks she is his mate. But Daxon care less he just wants to use Hazel to complete his sick motives towards Alexander and Hazel is the only way to fulfill it. Even if he had to mated with her, he will do it because that's what will break Alexander's so called ego and pride. When his mate, love and most importantly his wife will be mated with someone else instead of him and the pain of it will break both of them.

"That's what I'm most afraid of." Alexander's voice snapped him in reality and he watched Alexander's scared expressions making him feel satisfied.

He nodded at him cockily. "Now we will take a step forward." he ordered him making him confused.

"I didn't understood Alpha." Alexander asked him confusingly.

"Now that we are working together and you are also like a part of our pack. So you are family now and I want to welcome you as a family." he said and his lip tugged upwards when he saw greed and hunger of power shone in Alexander's eyes.

"Yes alpha I would love to." Alexander said immediately feeling excited.

"Great. Since we are a family now so we will have a dinner together, tonight." Daxon demanded against his own will.

He even loathes the idea of the murderer of his mate coming in his castle and enjoy his time here where his mate used to cherish the castle with her mere presence and special that royal dining table where she used to wait for him when he stayed busy in his meetings with courtesans.

"I'll be there alpha." Alexander said in pure happiness that he will get the honour to have dinner with Alpha Daxon Valor.

But Jake interrupted in between watching a little disagreement of him with his Alpha's demand. He came forward and put his hand on Alexander's shoulder.

"Be there with your family, your wife." he sad firmly making Alexander wag his head but inside in his mind he despise this idea. But he can't deny Daxon's order now.

"Yes I'll be." Alexander said heartlessly gazing at Daxon.

"Now I think I should leave. Please give me permission alpha." Alexander asked Daxon making him firmly nodded at him and he left immediately not wanting to stay in his presence anymore.

Daxon was smirking evilly at his fading figure. "Alpha, you will destroy that woman's life also in order to destroy his life." Jake told him his opinion and tried to make understand his alpha the wrong things he is going to do in order to take his mate's revenge.

"He called me a monster in disguise infront of his wife now I will show him what kind of monster I really am." he paused and turned to Jake.

"Beside his wife is the only reason I did all this efforts." he completed his sentence making Jake to smile at him.


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