Chapter 8

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Alexander and Hazel reached at their castle and it was almost midnight. Alexander got down from the carriage and stormed inside the castle leaving her there alone. Hazel sat there really scared of his behaviour. She was not getting good feelings for Alexander.

Slowly she got down the carriage and started walking inside the castle. Every guard immediately lowered their gaze watching her coming in their way. Hazel didn't felt any suspicious of them become she again thought they are respecting her.

She reached in her chamber and saw an infuriated Alexander pacing back and forth in the chamber. She gulped down feeling terrified of him now but didn't showed him that.

"What happened A-Alexander?" she asked him scared of his snapping.

He raised his head towards her angrily gazing at her. He strode towards her making her flinch. He clutched both of his shoulders tightly making her cry out in pain.

"What were you doing there? Hmm?" he asked her gritting his teeth so hard.

"W-What?" she asked him stuttering feeling so scared of him.

"You were enjoying when he was touching you right?" he asked her behaving like a maniac. But hearing him Hazel went numb. Does he thinks this low of her? Does her mate not trust her even a bit?

She was silently gazing at him. He angrily snatched the veil from her face revealing her numb face. He pushed her on the bed and hovered above her. His jealousy and anger was at peek now.

Hazel's eyes widened watching him hover above her. When she saw his eyes she saw the lust and desire pooling in his eyes. With his hooded eyes and heavy voice he asked her "You wanted this right?"

She shook her head vigorously not making herself to speak anything. But he smirked watching her shook her head. "Why Babygirl didn't you happily danced with him?" he asked sickly smiling at her.

"B-but you a-agreed to it." finally Hazel stuttered out getting her voice back. His eyes darkened hearing her reply back.

Hazel is not allowed to reply back or raised her voice at him. This is the rule, his rules for her. He clutched her jaw in tight grip and gritted his teeth.

"Don't. ever. talk. back. to. me" he said pressurizing on every word.

She nodded her head vigorously making him smile at her. "See was it very difficult to understand?" he asked smiling at her. She shook her head in no.

He nuzzled his face in her neck and pecked it making her shuddered in fear. The same fear came emerged back in her. Her heart beat started pacing faster. Her temperature uprising and her mind yelled at her to back off before he can do anything to her but she was numb.

"You are beautiful and mine." he said planting wet kisses on her neck.

He said going down on her collarbone and started giving some licks there. Her breathing increased and she felt suffocated. A sudden pain started raising on her chest. She knew It'll kill her. She can't do this.

Alexander's hand went to her shoulders to slide her gown down but before he can she cried out "STOP."


"So basically you are saying he controls her?" Daxon asked Jake feeling curious and suspicious at the same time. He was twirling the glass of alcohol in his hand gazing at it keenly with his black eyes.

"Yes Alpha that's the information I got from some of his guards after bribing them." Jake said firmly standing in front of Jaxon's desk.

"And what more you got from that guards?" he asked him again.

"She never interacted with outer people because Alexander keeps her like a treasure." Jake said to him.

"You mean caged?" he smirked at him.

"She is so naive for this world. She don't even know the hallways of her own castle." Jake continued making him nod and take a sip from the glass in his hand .

"So she is dependent on a greedy bastard?" he asked now enjoying the way everything going in her life.

"I believe alpha. It's----" before Jake can say anything he interrupted him.

"What's the time duration of their marriage?" he asked making Jake brows arched in confusion that why he is asking about their marriage.

"No body knows Alpha. Two years ago he came with her and killed the previous alpha of the nightingale pack and became the new alpha of them forcefully." now it was really seeming suspicious to Daxon. He don't even have him own pack.

"Any heir?" he asked clenching his jaw even thinking about becoming them close to each other. Storm growled inside him mind ready to kill Alexander.

"No, alpha as far as I heard they both didn't mated yet. The reason still unknown." he told her watching the anger and jealousy in his alpha's eyes.

A relief ran over in his demeanour. "It's enough information to destroy that bastard Alexander and seeking revenge from him." he smirked evilly chugging down the whole contents of the glass and slamming it on the desk.

"Are you going to betray him alpha?" Jake asked thinking that he make all the small packs turned against Alexander by misleading him in guiding them. But Daxon was thinking much more better idea than it to take his revenge from that bastard.

He tsked making Jake confused. "His mate will be the one to betray him." he said making his eyes widened. But how that naive woman will betray her own mate? Because according to Jake she can't even think about it.

"With my assistance she will do this. Besides I'm really curious to see her without that veil." he said to him making his eyes widened in shock. He knew now his alpha is going to do something irrational because it is the first time he laid his eyes on any other woman after his loving mate.

"But how alpha no one is allowed to go near her." he said trying to make understand his alpha because it seems that something wrong is going to happened by the look on his Alpha's face but it was too late.

"I'll not go to her she'll come to me." Daxon said to him making him confused because it is out of his mind to think like his alpha. He is just a mere Beta and his alpha is much more smarter than him.

Daxon dismissed him by waving his palm at him and Jake walked away from there. Daxon went near the window and gazed at the moon shining in the sky.

"Are you watching me Celine?" he asked now removing the facade of a arrogant and rude alpha and from behind it came out a weak and vulnerable lover remembering his love.

"I am doing all this just for you. Please forgive me if I do something wrong. But it is how you will get your justice, love." he said gazing towards the moon feeling incomplete without his mate, his love. Storm cried out in agony inside him .

He will surely make that bastard pay and snatch his one and only treasure Hazel from him like he snatched his Celine from him.


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