It's the man in black.

The same one from before, you suspect.

It's unsettling he's not hiding his presence in the slightest. How long had he been following you?

The silhouette begins to move, taking deliberate steps toward you and your suspicion is confirmed when those black combat boots come into view—you recognize them from the last encounter.

And it's just as you remember when he had shown up at the dorm a few months ago; he still dons a black mask from the nose bridge down and a black baseball cap that's pulled far enough to keep eyes hidden beneath the brim.

Your knees bend and you slowly set the plastic bag down by your feet, never once taking eyes off of the approaching man. You calmly reach into your crossbody bag coming back up.

Not this time, buddy.

You stand your ground, pulling out a handheld device you invested in not too long ago.

The figure halts in response to it.

That's right, try me and I will freakin' tase the crap out of you.

He seems to heed the taser being brandished at him and it brings you a small sense of triumph.

The man reaches around his back and you squint, trying your best to see what he's doing.

He draws something out from his waistline and points it right at you.

It's a stalemate.

Except, you're severely outmatched.

His weapon of choice was a handgun.

And a taser in comparison seemed almost silly. He's one up'd you with something a lot more lethal and it's both terrifying and disheartening.

"Drop it," he instructs.


"Why're you doing this?" you ask warily, taking a cautious step back. You're aware there's an alleyway to your right just a few feet away.

He pulls the slider on the gun and aims the muzzle directly at your head. "I said, drop it."

You flinch, your pulse skyrocketing. Is he really gonna shoot?

"Ok, ok." Reluctantly, you let go of the taser and it lands on the ground with a soft clack. Your heart stammers as he resumes closing in on you.

"Are you going to kill me?" you ask to buy yourself time. He stops an arm's length away, and you realize how defenseless you really are.

He lowers the gun, not bothering to answer the question.

Your peripheral vision takes further note of the little alleyway off to your right. You've passed through it before and it eventually leads into another neighborhood. You wonder if you can make a run for it and lose him.

Breathing in shakily, you ready yourself. "Oh shit," you gasp, shifting your gaze to a spot behind the man, feigning shock.

And he falls for it—he actually turns his head over his shoulder to look. Sucker.

You use this chance to haul ass, pushing your body into a full on sprint while trying not to think about the gun. Darting into the alleyway, you head towards the end where there's a crevice between two buildings you can wedge yourself into—there's no way he'd notice this hiding spot.

You hurriedly pull yourself in, crouching down in the snug area after making sure you were not being seen.

And you hold your breath, waiting for him to pass.

MONSTER || Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now