Chapter 6

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You stand terrified, trapped between your door and whoever is behind you.

"Open it."

The voice is cold, and you can sense he's standing just inches from you. He does not sound angry or nervous, nothing to indicate he's anything but calm.

When you fail to do as instructed, a gloved hand reaches around and takes the key from your fingers, proceeding to unlock the door in front of you.

"Get inside," he orders while pushing it open. "Don't make a scene, it won't end well."

A million different scenarios run amok
in your head as the threat renders you frozen. If you go inside, then you'd really be trapped with this psycho.

You flinch when he grabs your shoulder and pushes you forward, but your resistance causes your back to collide with the stranger's chest.

Despite your unwilling legs, he still manages to easily force you inside, and once you're in the entryway, you hear him close the door.

You eye the kitchen drawer, thinking of ways to get to a knife or any tool you could use to defend yourself with. But distance-wise, the drawer would be a long shot.

"We're going to walk downstairs, and you're going to lead the way," he speaks lowly. The rigid tone makes you even more uncomfortable, knowing he is still less than an arm's length behind you.

"You'll get hurt trying to escape, so don't count on outrunning us."

Your mouth feels dry.

Us? As in, more than just him?

"If we meet anyone along the way, don't make eye contact. I'll know if you do."

You try to steady your breathing. "What do you want?"

"Once we're down there, you'll get into a car. Do everything as I've said and it'll be fine."

The grip you have on your bag's shoulder strap becomes even tighter. You don't trust him for one second. If you get in that car, you might as well be dead.

And why did he force you inside only to take you back out? Was he trying to stay out of sight?

"Let's go," he says.


You swiftly swing your bag around as hard as you can, throwing it up at his face to distract him. He uses his arm to shield himself, and you take the chance to maneuver around him, reaching for the door handle.

You pull, and it opens just a sliver. For a moment, you think you can get free.

His reflex comes at an unexpected speed when he catches you by your stomach in the crook of his arm. And before you could get any further in opening the door, he uses the same arm to elbow it back shut right in front of your face.


You take a big gasp of air, ready to scream for help, knowing you weren't going to win in a battle of strength. It'd be your last ditch effort as you don't know if he'd kill you for it.

Just as you let out the beginnings of a scream, a hand comes up over your nose and mouth, cutting off your cry for help.

The dream from last night flashes in your mind.

It depicted this exact moment, as if it had been a premonition. You had smelled and tasted leather.

But this is much worse.

You can't even take an inhalation, let alone notice details like that. You struggle to make any sound you can, but it's all muffled noise no louder than that of a tv.

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