"No. Please no." I mumbled, tears streaming down my face. I rested my head on the casket and closed my eyes, trying to block it all out.

"Such a pity she had to die. If I weren't so hung up on you, she would have been a good replacement." My head shot up from the casket immediately by hearing the sound of that voice.

Horrible memories flashing back to the front of my mind, causing shivers to go down my spine when I was frozen in place. Memories of getting beaten, pushed down the stairs or to the ground, memories I tried so hard to bury, all came back in a flash.

"A shame really. If you just had listened, she might have still been around." You could hear the smirk in his voice. When I finally found the strength to turn around I was met with my worst nightmare. Ironic isn't it. Everyone had disappeared. It was just me and him.

"You." I breathed out, shaking on my feet. I hated the effect he had on me.

"Surprise." He waved his hands to the side with a smirk on his face.

"You really thought you could get rid of me? That this would be over? Come on Ellie, I thought you were smarter than this." He said with an evil laugh.

"This can't be real." I repeated to myself, closing my eyes. Hoping, praying you would be gone but when I opened them again, he was still there.

"You're in London." I stated but it was more to assure myself then anything else.

"I am. I've friends you know. I used to have a lot of them until you ruined everything." He chuckled at first but turned very serious near the end of his sentence. A sentence that angered me.

"I didn't ruin anything, you did." I snapped out of my dazed state and glared at the boy who made my life a living hell for three years.

"Potato, potato. All the same really." He shrugged, taking some steps towards me. With each step he took I felt my breath pick up but I couldn't let him show.

"The point is, we're not done. This was just a preview. I'll make you suffer just like you did with me. I'll start with your friends, take them one by one until you have nothing left and you come back begging me to take you in again." With each word he came closer, staring into my eyes with this intense look, successfully sending shivers down my spine.

"You've already lost Leah. She hates you for not telling her about your precious relationship. Tell me, was Alexia worth ruining a friendship like that over?" He was now right in front of me.

I did my best to stand tall, to show him that I wasn't afraid of him but who was I kidding? I knew what he was capable of. I've witnessed it first hand.

"I've got to give it to you, she is hot." He said, causing my eyes to harden immediately.

"Don't talk about her!" I pounced on him, ready to hit him but he was just a bit faster than me and grabbed me by the wrist just before I could. The glare present on my face was immense, jaws clenched and my hand balled into fists.

"Oh, still so feisty." Jacob chuckled, his hand still on my wrist. I tugged on it, hoping I could break free but it was no use. Instead he even pulled me closer.

"You can't save everyone, Ellie. Especially not yourself. Not this time." He whispered in my ear, trapping me between him and the coffin.

With a big gasp for air, I sat up straight in my bed. My eyes darted around the darkened room, looking for any sign that I was finally awoken from that nightmare. Once my gaze settled on the sleeping midfielder in the bed next to me, I felt myself slightly relax.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now