"Vete. [Go]" I heard quietly.

"Hasta que dejes de tomar. Le estás arruinando la vida...[until you stop drinking. You're ruining the lives..." I started but he stood up. He stood up and slapped me with all his strength making me fall. Barely missing the table. He threw a bottle at me and wrapped his arms around my neck. Suddenly he was yanked away.

"Call 911." I heard Alex. I grabbed my phone from the pocket and called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" I heard.

"Help. Um...my dad is drunk and he's being aggressive." I said.

"Police are on their way. I just need your address." I heard and quickly gave them the address. Alex and Alejo started losing grip. Alejo got pushed towards the table and Alex got hit in the eye. I pushed Alex out of the way and took the next hit. I pushed him away and started running when he pulled my hair. I fell down and backed myself into the corner. He started mumbling and harshly pulled me up by the wrists.

"Alex." I yelled. Alex came tried to set me free but he was pushed to the wall. I was dragged to the kitchen and my face was slammed against the counter. Alejo came in and threw a bottle at him. He let me go and went to Alejo. Alejo threw a punch but he got ahold of it and threw him to the ground. Starting to kick him. Can the cops hurry.

*Scarlett's POV*

I wonder where Amelia and Alex are going.

"Mommy where did they go?" Rose asked me.

"I don't know Rosie." I told her. "Please finish your breakfast." I told her. I turned to Chris who looked spaced out. I feel like something is going to happen. It was about 15 minutes until I felt an instinct. "Chris grab your keys. We're going to her old apartment." I told him.

"Got it." He told me and went and got his keys.

"Rose, grab your shoes. We're going on a trip." I told her. She picked her shoes and went out. Chris helped her in and then opened the door for me.

"Hey Scar, see if you can get ahold of Amelia." Chris told me as he backed up. I tried calling Amelia but she wouldn't pick up. Maybe my instincts could be wrong. Amelia is fine.

*Amelia's POV*

Me and Alex managed to pull Alejo away and get him a few feet away. I slowly stood up and turned to my dad. I ran to him but he just laughed. I felt so weak. He easily pushed me towards the chair and spit on me.

"Police open up." I heard. The door busted open and 4 cops came in.

"Sir put your hands in the air. Step away from the girl." I heard an officer. My adopted dad turned to me and turned to the officer. He got a bottle and threw it at the officer. That was stupid. An officer tazed him making him fall. They handcuffed him. They also called paramedics.

"Kid you okay? You're bleeding." He told me. A female officer came to me.

"You feeling fine? Could you tell us what happened?" She asked me.

"Umm...he's my adoptive dad, we found him passed out. I tried waking him up and that's when he became aggressive." I explained.

"Has he always been like this?" She asked. I turned to the man who I once called dad. I turned to the officers and slowly stood up. Suddenly I sprinted out of the apartment.

"Amelia." I heard Alex. I needed to visit the cementary. My body was in pain but I had to make it. I made it to the cemetery and walked to my mother's grave. I sat down and closed my eyes.

*Chris's POV*

We arrived to Amelia's old place and there were an ambulance and police cars.

"Please no." I heard Scar. I picked up Rose and went to her apartment. I grabbed Scar's hand as we got closer.

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