The Orphan Maker (P8)

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Warnings - serial killer, violent behavior, toxic Timothée, stalking, injury, breaking and entering, multiple POVs, smut, lil breeding kink, manipulation, drugging, tracking, obsession, psychopathy, cock warming, pregnancy, pregnant sex

"How did you find me?" I asked in horror.

"You still love me," he said quietly.

"That isn't what I said," I forced myself to say.

"But you do," he said getting up. "Or you wouldn't still be wearing the necklace I gave you."

"Shit!" I I muttered, hand inadvertently going to my necklace. Whenever I'd missed him I'd pressed my fingers to the diamonds until it hurt.

He approached me slowly. I'd read so many true crime novels, and secretly judged the partners. Now I was in the same situation, and I wasn't telling anyone anything.

I expected a violent movement as he reached for me. However, the gentlest touch brushed my belly.

"You're showing," he whispered in awe.

"Yeah, too bad their daddy is a serial killer," I said with tears in my eyes.

"If you had just stayed I could've explained, I could have made you see it my way," he said earnestly.

"I hate that I kinda do see it your way. Why do I love you? You're horrible. You stalked me, put trackers on me, I should be disgusted," I said and he looked hurt.

"You hate that you love me?" He asked.

"I-no, not exactly, but can't you see it how I see it?" I begged.

"No, I can't, I honestly can't. From my point of view I am saving children from horrors and giving them a better life. Then, I see the girl of my dreams, and it hits me like a train and I do everything in my power to bring us together. Is that so bad?"

"It just isn't how normal relationships work," I pleaded.

"Why do we have to be normal sweetheart?" He asked, with a weak smile. "Let me kiss you once, if you feel nothing I walk away."

Timothée's POV

I had tried to put myself in her shoes, but if I'd found out she'd done the same things as me, I wouldn't be horrified. I'd be flattered.

"Let me kiss you once, if you feel nothing I walk away," I lied. I'd never give her up, it was just a question of how to convince her.

"Okay," she said slowly. I took her into my arms. I moved in and pressed my lips to hers. To my shock, she deepened the kiss. She pulled me to her hungrily. I had underestimated how much she had missed me.

"So?" I asked.

"Fuck me," she begged.

Reader's POV

"Fuck me," I begged.

"I adore you," he said and then he attacked me. I'd forgotten how he felt. We were made for each other, too bad our morals didn't align.

"I'm going to fuck you so well you'll never consider leaving again," he growled.

He sucked on my neck. He began to take off my clothing. He was also removing his clothing.

"I love you," he said, pulling me too him. "Can't you be a little proud of how I filled you. You did so well and got pregnant so fast," he cooed in my ear, and damn if the words didn't stir something inside me.

"Yes, you did," I breathed.

"Think about it, our little family, with your belly growing bigger and bigger," he murmured to me.

"I-Oh, that does sound nice," I moaned. Finally he was pushing his cock into me. I now remembered how I'd been convinced to fuck raw. He was magical. His hips moved so fast, but it was more than that. It was all of him. His skin, his hair, his smell, his eyes, they all lured me to him like a lamb to a lion.

"I love you," I said and I did, despite myself.

"I love you so much," he said. "I'm going to protect you and love you until the day I die."

"Yes," I said sadly, knowing he wouldn't. He wouldn't see me again.

"You know what else I'll do?" He asked as he played with the sensitive skin of my nipples, and my body shook with need. "I'll fill you until the day I die. You're so incredibly sexy. I can't wait until you show more and all you can do is bounce on my cock because you're so big. You're be entirely too sexy for me to resist. Your breasts with be heavy and leaking. I'll love you all the time."

"Oh, Timmy," I moaned, feeling my insides light up for him. He reached down to fondle my clit and I was nirvana. "I'm so close."

"Yes, yes Mon Amor, release on my cock," he begged. I came undone with an orgasm that rocked my world. I hadn't realized how touch and attention starved I'd been until this moment. Stars shone as I felt waves of pleasure consume me. Then, he was cumming inside me, over and over again he shot, saying my name like a prayer and I wanted to stay like this. He pulled me down on the couch, his cock never coming out of me.

"I need a rest, I need to sleep inside my girl," he said, and he looked so peaceful. I had noticed how awful he looked but hadn't commented on it. He was roughed up, sleep deprived, and sickly thin. I let him hold me, but he was soon out cold. I didn't move until small snores left his mouth. I tenderly untangled myself from him. As I pulled him out of me I surprised myself by shedding a tear. It must be the pregnancy hormones.

I quickly went to my room and got dressed. I grabbed the stack of money hidden under my mattress. I grabbed a sleeping tablet, I'd needed them some nights when I was crying over him, and the loneliness and the fear of doing this pregnancy alone.

I came back and placed the tablet on his tongue, thankfully his lips were slightly parted. It would dissolve. I took his wrists and took off my necklace. I hooked it tightly around them. I took one last look, kissed his forehead, and left. I was glad my last look at him would be one where he was peaceful.

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