He Fell Harder (P14)

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Info - abusive partner, involving police, mention of blow job, confessions, self harm scars, sleeping together (literally), mention of drugs

Readers pov

After the situation with Seb and the police was over I was relieved that I was still in Timothée's arms.

"What now?" He asked.

"Can I stay with you?"

"You'd want that?" He asked breathlessly.

"Yes, yes Timmy," I begged. He swept me into his car. He held my hand as he drove. He was quiet, but he couldn't stop touching me.

Finally, we were at his house. I recognized the closet where I'd given him a blow job. How different he was now. I remembered the way he'd dismissed me fiercely. Now, he held me tenderly, guiding me to his couch and sitting me down.

"Where are you going?" I asked worriedly as he stepped away.

"To get you a glass of water," he said plainly. I let him do this and gulped down the ice water he'd brought for me.

"Timothée, why are you just standing there?"

"I don't know what you want," he said quietly.

"You what? didn't I make it clear on the phone?" I asked him. He looked a little shell shocked.

"I mean but weren't you just scared, weren't you lying for the police?"

"No, Timmy, come here baby," I begged and he began to shake and launched himself into my arms.

"I've never wanted anyone the way I want you," he whispered and then we were kissing, fiercely, desperately. I was filled with a roaring monster of desire. I couldn't touch all of him fast enough. My hands were in his hair, then cupping his face, then pressing against his chest, and then on his small tempting waist.

"Mmm," he moaned into my mouth setting me ablaze. His hands crept down and grabbed my ass, and he pulled me onto his lap so I straddled him. I whimpered with pleasure as I continued our intense make out.

"I love you, I love you like crazy," he breathed into my mouth.

"I love you," I whispered back and I felt his heartbeat quicken under my hands.

He kissed me even more passionately somehow, his hands now exploring like mine had.

Timothée's POV

I had her in my arms, kissing me wildly, and all the world was right. Her hands were slipping under my shirt, the places I never let anyone touch, that I didn't even show when swimming, but she could touch them. She could have all of me.

"Timothée, before we go further, we need to talk," she gasped.

"Do you not want to continue?" I asked anxiously.

"Trust me, I really, fuck, I really do, but I need to understand some things first," she said, and she played with my hair as she spoke and I loved it.

"I need to know what happened," she said seriously.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, you didn't like me this much this whole time," she said.

"I don't like you, I love you," I said fiercely.

"See, that's not the same boy I have a blow job to in that closet," she chuckled.

"You're right," I hung my head. "I was an absolute asshole to you. I'm so sorry."

"I just don't understand."

"When I first met you, I really didn't like you. I thought you were a try hard and you wouldn't stop pestering me. I think now I realized it's because I saw myself in you. But you're different from me. You were kind just to be kind, I was kind in hopes to get with a popular girl and finally feel like I'd accomplished something."

"You mean, you didn't really like Bryanna?" She asked me.

"I don't think I did actually. Remember your birthday when we got high and you asked me why I liked her so much?"

"Yeah I remember," she said softly.

"Well, I said because she was pretty and popular and I think that's all it was. I just wanted to be the cool kid for once in my life. When I saw her and Aiden I wasn't heartbroken like I thought I'd be. I just felt like an idiot. Then it all hit me. I saw you there, comforting me and praising me like no one ever had and I realized it was supposed to be you all along. Who cares if I'm not popular if I have you. I was so fucking jealous of Seb, you have no idea."

"Is this all true?" She asked pleadingly, like she couldn't stand it if it wasn't.

"A million percent, I love you so much y/n, and you're all I want," I said truthfully.

"I've wanted you from the start, even if Seb made me forget it a little, I still knew in my heart," she told me and I sighed happily.

"C-can I show you? I've never willingly showed anyone, but I trust you," I said softly. She knew exactly what I meant and she nodded.

I let out a shuddering sigh and pulled off my shirt. I held out my forearms for her, where the marks were. Her eyes filled with tears and it felt so relieving to be so well loved.

"Can I touch them?" She asked in a quiet voice.


She took my arm and she dipped her head. Slowly, she kissed up my arm. It felt like the scars were fading away to nothing as she kissed my skin. I bit my lip, tears rolling down my cheeks. She gave the same treatment to my other arm. There were a stray few on my chest and she kissed them too. Finally, she was looking at me.

"I love you Timothée Chalamet," she said resolutely.

"You don't think I'm disgusting and carved up?" I asked shakily.

"I think you're a lovely boy who has had some hard times he didn't deserve. I think you are beautiful in every way," she said and I couldn't help the sob that choked out of me.

"Darling," I whispered and a beaming smile crossed her face. "Darling, can you ever forgive me for how blind I was? For how cruel and egocentric I acted?"

"You're already forgiven," she said and placed a chaste kiss to my lips.

"Good, because I'm sorry, I'm dreadfully sorry," I said shaking my head. She cupped my face and kissed the tears from my face.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked.

"Don't be a sap," she teased and I smiled. She leaned against my chest and I held her as close as I could without hurting her with the pressure.

"Tomorrow, let me take you out yeah? Let me give you a proper date," I begged.

"Anything you want," she said and turned to kiss my bare skin. If that made me crazy, what would it be like when we made love? I could dream of that later. I didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerable state.

I could tell she was exhausted by the night's events. I laid down carefully, keeping hold of her. She sighed contentedly on my chest. I grabbed a blanket and covered us.

"I love you," I said in the dark after I'd awkwardly reached and turned off the light. I was grinning widely when she replied.

"I love you too."

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