He Fell Harder (P2)

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Info - marijuana use, mean Timothée, abandoned hospital

I tried to pursue Bryanna as much as I could. She seemed happy to lead me on a leash. She didn't like me and it drove me insane. I wanted her so badly.

As I got to know Bry, her best friend y/n drove me insane. She was such a try hard. She laughed at all my jokes, she always was so damn nice to me. Why was she like this. I swear she only wanted my cock. However if I had to deal with y/n to get to Bryanna, I would.

I couldn't understand her.

Readers pov

Though he was unkind, I felt so connected to Timmy. We were much more alike than he and Bryanna were. We were both more artistic and empathetic. I did not know why he didn't like me. I tried my best to be kind to him.

He was charming to be sure. Though he'd only just met us, he'd slipped into our group easily. He stole my place of right hand, and I didn't begrudge him that. If he wanted to do everything Bryanna did, that was fine.

"So, what are we doing tonight Bry?" Timothée asked as he sucked from the blunt that was going around. I only took one hit.

"We're going to explore that abandoned hospital," she said giddily. I rolled my eyes. I saw the appeal, I really did, the first few times. However, we'd been there three times now. It lost its wonder when you knew all the sounds you heard weren't ghosts but bugs, rain drops, and wind. There were no patients who stayed there and were decaying but very angry that we'd come.

"Woah, sounds cool," Timothée said.

"Can't we do something else?"

"Oh don't complain," Timothée grumbled and snatched the blunt from me before I could take a hit.

"Fine," I threw up my hands. It didn't help that he looked like a wet dream tonight. He was in a glittering hoodie and tight black jeans. I had tried to look nice, but he wasn't sparing a glance for me.

Once we were at the doors of the hospital, Bryanna tried them.

"I don't know why they still lock these," she sighed.

"How can I help?" asked Timothée.

"He's skinny, he could go through the broken window," I offered. Timothée glared At me. I blushed, I hadn't meant it unkindly. I liked skinny men. I mouth sorry but he rolled his eyes.

Timothée's POV

"Yeah Tim, you could go through the window," she said excitedly. I stopped glaring at y/n, and looked to where I was being pointed.

"Okay," I agreed. I was able to slip through the window and opened the doors from the inside.

"My hero," Bryanna smiled at me and my heart fluttered.

"We should split up," said Aiden, another boy who seemed to like Bry. I grumbled at the idea but she seemed to like it.

"Excellent!" She said. "Me and Aiden will go left. Bo, Steph, and Jacob can for forward. Y/n, you and Timmy go right."

"Why do we have to split up?" I whined.

"We've never covered the whole thing, this way we can, plus it'll make it creepier. Was that sound our friends walking around or an angry spirit?" She said and wiggled her finger at me in a spooky way.

"Come on Timothée, don't be a baby," y/n said and pulled me along. I wrenched my hand out of hers and she sighed.

"So, are you new in town, I've never seen you around," y/n asked.

"Why do you care?"

"I'm just trying to make small talk," she threw up her hands.

"Yeah, I'm new," I said and shoved my hands into my pockets as we walked. The walls were stained and not a single piece of furniture wasn't broken. It was rather spooky, but y/n, well she didn't even seem frightened a little bit.

"What was that?" I asked and jumped. The sound was like someone banging on a pole with another pole.

"Someone trying to scare us," she guessed blandly.

"What's your issue? You can't have a little bit of fun?"

"I've been here so many times," she sighed.

"Ugh, I wish I'd been paired with anyone else," I growled. Just then I heard a noise and something ran across the floor. I jumped into y/n's arms.

"It's just a rat!" She said through wild laughter. I felt myself heat with embarrassment.

"Oh shut the fuck up," I rolled my eyes and began to jog ahead.

"Oh come on!" She called after me. I waved my hand angrily and then gave her the middle finger.

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