He Fell Harder (P3)

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Info - broken bone, guilt, liking someone who likes someone else, trespassing

"You asshole! You left her!" Bryanna was screaming at me. We'd found y/n, her leg twisted at a horrible angle. After I'd left her, she'd fallen in a crack in the floor and broken her leg. To my surprise I felt sorry. I didn't want y/n to be hurt. Sure she annoyed me but I wasn't heartless.

"I'm sorry okay, she was making fun of me and I - I'm sorry," I said as Y/n was loaded into an ambulance. We were all getting fined for trespassing and the whole group was glaring at me, dubbing me the ruiner of their fun. I felt embarrassed and guilty.

"Is someone going in the ambulance with her?" Asked a paramedic.

"I-," I cut off Bryanna and stepped forward.

"I will," I said confidently. Anything to get away from the accusing eyes of my new friend group. I climbed into the vehicle and sat next to y/n. I couldn't look at her. I felt horrible.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. I was surprised when I felt a warm hand on mine. I looked at y/n and felt a pang of guilt as I saw how small and weak she looked.

"I don't blame you," she said gently. "I could have broken my leg with a million people around."

I felt a wave of gratitude overwhelm me. I gave her a genuine smile. She smiled back.

"Well I'm sorry anyway, that fall looked grizzly," I said.

"Yeah the pain was pretty bad, buuuuuut, at least I'm not afraid of rats," she winked. I shoved her arm lightly.

"I'm about to abandon you again," I said.

Readers POV

I'd hoped our ride in the ambulance would have changed the tide of Timothée's behavior towards me. However, after his fuck up he was even more desperate to get on Bryanna's good side.

Tonight we'd lit a bonfire and were making s'mores. He'd cooked each of Bryanna's, even when getting smoke in his eyes.

I boldly decided to make him one and I came up to where he was trying to woo Bry. I offered it to him.

"I made you a s'more if you want it," I said with a smile, I was still in a walkers boot so getting things done was difficult. I hoped he'd appreciate my effort.

"I can make my own s'more," he said, making a face.

"I know, but you were working so hard, making everyone else one. I didn't know if maybe you'd like one yourself," I said, feeling more like an idiot with every word.

"Suuuure," he said awkwardly. I felt weird standing there and watching him eat it, so I hobbled back to where I'd been sitting.

"You have such a crush on him," Aiden whispered to me.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked dismally.

"A bit yeah," he chuckled.

"Well he doesn't even barely look at me," I sighed, poking the fire.

"Well it's a bit obvious who he likes," Aiden grumbled.

"The same person YOU like," I taunted. "If it means anything I think you two would fit better than her and Timothée."

"I know you're probably just saying that because you like him, but thanks," he grinned.

Just then something blocked the fire. Timothée was rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Thanks for the s'more, you're right, I didn't get one and it was probably hard to make with your leg," he said sheepishly.

"Yeah it was," I nodded.

"Here," his arm jutted out towards me. He held a pretty wildflower.

"Oh thank you Timothée!" I said excitedly. I took it from him.

"It's so pretty!"

"Okay, okay, you don't need to have a heart attack," he grumbled, and stalked away. I bit my lip happily and put the flower in my hair.

"Siiiiiimp," Aiden mocked me.

"Shut up," I said giddily,

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