He Fell Harder (P11)

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Info - mention of blow job, pining, possessive partner , punching the wall

Readers POV

I couldn't believe the feelings that kissing Timothée had given me. It was nothing like kissing Seb. The feelings in my heart were indescribable. Heavenly was the only word I could think of.

Seb was furious at me, I could tell. I felt anxiety building inside me. What was he going to say to me?

I pulled Aiden aside. I was so mad at him.

"Why would you do that with me and Timothée?" I demanded.

"I was trying to help a friend out."

"What are you talking about? I'm dating Seb," I snapped.

"You can't be serious, you still look at him the same way, like he created handsomeness," chuckled Aiden.

"I-I do not," I said, feeling scandalized.

"And you know what, I think the tides have turned in your favor. I know how to read a guy. He looked so excited to kiss you," he said.

"He did?" I asked without thinking.

"He looked liked it was the best day of his life," Aiden scoffed.

"You still shouldn't have done it," I snapped and flounced away and almost knocked directly into Timothée.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"Fine, but then I'm leaving with Seb," I announced.

"I'm sorry if the whole kiss thing was awkward," he said.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked, not knowing what had come over me.

"What?" He asked in shock.

"Did you like kissing me?" I asked again.

"I- um, yes, yes a lot," he gulped.

"So you liked when I gave you head, and you liked when I kissed you," I said, no idea what boldness had come over me.

"Yes," he gasped.

"Well then keep that information to yourself, and don't let Seb know," I snapped.

Timothée's POV

I felt like I'd been slapped. I'd admitted that I enjoyed kissing her, that I liked when she gave me head. Her response was to keep it away from her boyfriend?

I had to remind myself again that she wasn't mine. She was Seb's and I was losing again. I didn't want to lose anymore, I never wanted a win as much as I'd wanted y/n.

I reached a hand out and punched the wall. The pain centered me. I felt tears fill my eyes. I wanted her so badly.

Readers POV

"You made me look like an idiot," Seb screamed on our way home. He'd been yelling the whole way.

"That's it, obviously, you can't be trusted, so I'm moving in."

"What? You want to move in already?"

"Because I love you," he said earnestly. It was fast, but he loved me. He just wanted to make me better. I'd told Timothée tonight That I was finally happy. Why shouldn't I want him to move in with me.

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