My Boyfriend's Sister's Boyfriend (Bonus)

417 11 1

Warnings - pining, mentions of sex

"Hello, y/n, I only met you today, but it feels like I've known you for years. I had to write this out because I can't stop my thoughts. I can't believe this is happening. I've never been in love before, but now I say it so simply, so easily. The words 'I'm in love' have been running through my head all night. I've been pacing my house for hours, just milking it over. I can't believe how badly I miss you already, it's like missing a limb. How did I ever think life was complete? I now see you were always the missing piece. I wanted to dance with you for hours at that club. I wanted to hold you to my heart, that is where you belong. You are such a bright and real thing. I don't know what I did in this life, or possibly a previous one, to deserve you. Soul Mate are truly the only words that describe this feeling."

"I described it as fate when I saw you today, and that had to be what it is. The universe, or God, or whatever is clearly screaming at us, telling us we belong together. How badly I want to touch you. How badly I want to hold you. I can barely stand it, I have to forcibly stop my fingers from reaching for you. I can't imagine the Heaven Dillon has. The ability to just reach out and have you there, it must be lovely. Your voice is melodious, I could listen to it for hours. I get lost in your eyes. All these cliches, but they're all true for you. I feel like I can't write enough on the subject of you. I love when I make you laugh. I can hardly stand this proximity with no intimacy."

"Dear Y/N, run away with me. It killed me to see you come to my door in tears. The party where we pretended to be together was how I always want it to be. I want you, more than just sexually. I want you mind, body, and soul. I've never felt like this. How can I be so sure of you, more sure of you than anything in the world, and not have you? Seeing you at my performance felt so right, like you were truly my partner, cheering me on. I used to think I wanted to be an actor more than anything, but now it's you. Let me love you, I promise I'll do it right. Just, please y/n, please."

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