He Fell Harder (P12)

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Info - emotionally cheating, physically cheating, self hatred, possessive partner, unpopular reader, mention of sex

I couldn't believe I stood my ground. The next morning the idea of moving in with someone before my first year of college seemed horrifying. I was saving for that right now and although a roommate would help with rent, who knows what else Seb would want once this started. Marriage? Kids? I wasn't ready for that.

I'd been able to talk him down. I'd reassured him and placated him with sex and compliments. He'd finally given it up. However, he did say that he was going to look for a job so we could save for a life together. Never once had he asked me if I agreed to these decisions. Yet, him getting a job was bittersweet. Having him away from me for a while wasn't unwelcome.

It was one of the days that Seb was going job searching and I had not told him but I planned to have a day out to myself. I got myself all ready and headed out, whistling and feeling lighter than I had in a while.

I hit up my favorite book store. I felt a bit hypocritical buying books when I'd told Seb I was low on money, but I pushed that to the back of my mind.

"Y/N?" I heard my name when I walked out of the book store. It was Timothée. He was beaming. My heart lurched in my chest. I felt a bit chagrined from how oddly bold I'd been the last time I'd seen him. He didn't seem to be too affected by it.

"What are you doing?"

"Well Seb is job hunting, so I'm having a me day," I shrugged.

"Oh," he said, looking a bit sad.


"I just wanted to hang out with you is all, I've missed you in the friend group."

"Hmmmm," I said, taping my chin with a finger in a show of thought.

"What?" He asked, instantly playing along.

"Well you WERE the only one who came to my birthday, and you DID introduce me to Seb," I said cheekily.


"Let's hang out," I grinned.

"Really?" He said excitedly and I couldn't believe the adorable look of anticipation on his face.

"You're really that excited?" I asked tentatively.

"It's you, why wouldn't I be?" He asked simply and my stomach flip flopped.

Timothée's POV

I could not believe my luck. We were going to spend the day together. This would be like her birthday, but even better. I was going to make sure it was better.

"So what are we doing?" I asked.

"I want to see this movie that looks super stupid, and make fun of it from the back," she said giddily. She looked so damn cute.

"I'm game," I smiled. I made sure I bought any snack she wanted. She was very thankful. Every time she touched my arm in the theatre to make a comment I thrilled.

"She's trying so hard to cry," y/n giggled. I felt like I was swooning every time she laughed. We were huddled so close together so we could whisper to one another.

"Hey love birds keep it down," someone hissed at us. I was worried she'd freak out but she rolled her eyes and leaned into me and her lips brushed my ear. I had to stop from shuddering.

"She's just a Karen," she said.

"Yeah," I said breathlessly. I couldn't stop staring at her, she was so pretty as she watched the movie, eyes sparkling, lips quirked, fingers running through her hair.

"Wasn't that movie horrible," she asked as we walked out into the daylight.

"It was absolute shit," I laughed.

"You would know," she said, bumping her hip with mine. "Mr. Actor."

"Hey you," I said and I grabbed her around the stomach and began to tickle her. She was laughing, begging me to stop. I did what she said and put her down.

"Come on," she said and grabbed my hand. "I'm hungry."

We went to a little sand which shop and she seemed oblivious that the older waitress was treating us like a couple. I wasn't about to stop her.

We were sharing stories and laughing together. I'd never appreciated how easy it was to be with her. Genuinely, it had always been. I'd always had to try SO hard with Bryanna because I thought that's what love was, but now I realized love was easy.

"Can I just say," said the waitress, placing a wrinkled hand over y/n's. "You two made me want to go home and give my sweet wife a kiss. You reminded me what love is like."

"Oh thank you," she smiled gently at the woman, until she turned. Then she was stalking away, fire in her eyes.

"Y/n!" I called to her desperately. She was walking fast as the twilight set in. I needed to catch her and make sure she was safe since it was getting dark.

"Don't touch me," she said and I realized she was sobbing, holding herself and crying.

"Darling, why are you crying?" I asked her, pet name slipping out.

"Why is it so much easier with you?" She whispered.


"Why is everything so easy and lovely with you? Why am I dating a great guy and yet-"

"Yet what?" I asked desperately.

"Yet, it's still you," she said. My heart was soaring. I gently closed her into my arms and pressed my lips to hers gently. She was hesitant at first but then she melted into me. I was near tears myself as I kissed her. I felt so full, so endlessly happy.

"So what now?" She whispered against my lips.

"Now I treat you like you deserve, now I get to hold my girl, now we live happily ever after," I told her with a smile. She stepped back abruptly.

"Excuse me?"

"Y/N, I'm so deeply in love with you. I love you so much," I said, feeling wild with emotion, my hands everywhere as through I needed to plead.

"You love me? You've never given me a second look-"

"I know I was an ass, it took me too long to realize your worth, but now that I do-"

"MY WORTH?" She nearly screeched.

"My worth," she scoffed again. "You said now we get our happier ever after? No, now I tell Seb I'm a dirty cheater, now I realize you only like me because Bry got with Aiden, now I get everything I deserve because I'm just a nobody who doesn't have anyone come to my birthday."

"Y/n," I said, tears falling down my face.

"Just leave me alone Timmy," she said. "Just forget about me."

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