He Fell Harder (P13)

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Info - abusive partner, cheating, manipulative partner

Readers POV

As I went back home I felt drained. Today had not been the lovely day out of hoped for. Well, it had actually. Things had always been so easy with Timothée. With Seb things were difficult. He claimed to love me but criticized everything I did. He made me work for the love he called 'effortless'. I had to admit as I got to my doorstep and saw Sebs car, that what I'd done today with Timothée felt more like love than anything I'd done with Seb.

"Hello dear," came the gritted words. Always compliments, always pet names, but said in that hard tone I knew meant he was unhappy with something I'd done.

"What's the matter?" I asked in a monotone.

"I just assumed you'd be here to make me dinner is all, after all, I was out job searching all day."

"This is MY apartment," I said angrily.

"I talked to the land lord-"

"You WHAT? We agreed Seb, we agreed you wouldn't move in so fast," I tried.

"You don't have to push me out just because you've been mistreated in the past," he said passionately.

"What are you EVEN talking about. You know what, I think you use so many manipulation tactics you can't even remember which ones you've got working in your favor," I screamed and once I'd said it, I realized it was true. He was manipulating me. He didn't love me, he wanted to own me. I should've seen it before.

"We're through," I snarled.

"What? All over dinner?"

"We're done Seb," I announced and I felt freer than I had in a long time.

"Done, no, baby," he fell to his knees, but now that I knew it was there I saw every calculating gear turning in his mind.

"Please, I made a mistake, we can work on this," he pleaded.

"Begging, try a new tactic," I said harshly.

"What do you want from me? The skin off my back, the heart from my chest?"

"Bribery nice one. It won't work, this whole time you've been right. I was the toxic one. I'm in love with Timothée, and no matter how many possessive bandaids you try to cover that with, I haven't forgotten that fact."

"You are what?" The words were lethal, and for the first time tonight he had a weapon that would work, his own body.

Timothée POV

I hadn't even really had time to morn, in fact I was still on my way to the bar to drown my sorrow when she called.

"Y/n?" I couldn't help the way my voice cracked.

"I told him," she whispered.


"I told Seb... I told him I was in love with you."


"Shhhhhh," she hissed. "He flipped out! He punched me-"

"He what!"

"Please let me finish," she begged.

"He tried to pulled me by the hair to beat me more but I got away and hid in the bathroom. He's destroying the house, and I called the police, but, but...."

"But what?" I said, vibrating with worry.

"I want you baby, I want you here to hold me," she sniffed. My heart was soaring and breaking all at once.

"I'll be there as fast as I can," I said resolutely.

"Does your car have blue tooth?"

"No," I responded as I ran toward said vehicle. "Why?"

"I don't want to hang up," she whispered.

"I'll fucking tape the phone to my head," I growled.

"No, stay safe," she said and hung up. I was frustrated, but I didn't have time to think about that. I was speeding, I knew I was but I just couldn't care. I arrived at her place as the police were escorting her out in a shock blanket.

"Y/n!" I called. She saw me and broke free from the professionals. I was shocked as she ran towards me and nearly knocked me over with her force. She was kissing me. I was kissing her back as passionately as she was kissing me.

"Sir, what is your relation to the victim?" Asked an officer.

"I'm her-"

"Boyfriend," she smiled weakly. "This is Timothée, my boyfriend."

She looked at me with pleading eyes. She didn't need to plead. I kissed her chastely.

"Right? My boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend," I answered.

Long Timothee Chalamet StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora