The Nanny (P4)

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I had picked and pulled at the dress so much, that Timothée put a hand over mine. Klaus was singing in the backseat.

"It'll be fine," Timothée said gently. "I can do the talking, you just agree."

"Okay," I breathed.

"We're hereeeee," Klaus sung out.

Timothée and I got out of the car. Timothée got Klaus from his car seat, and held him on his hip while grabbing the diaper bag. I opened the door to see Marc and Nicole Chalamet beaming.

"Hello my dear," Nicole said, bringing me in for a hug.

"Hello Ms. Chalamet," I said politely.

"Call me Nicole," she said gently.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Come along," Nicole said, and guided us to the table after Timothée and Klaus had gotten their hugs.

We all sat at the table. After the first few awkward moments of chewing, the questions began. In parently fashion, the two were very nosy.

"How did you meet?"

"At a club," Timothée said easily. He hadn't prepped me, but I just nodded along happily.

"A club, that's not very romantic," Nicole muttered.

"I know but, I saw her and she was so beautiful I had to dance with her," Timothée explained. I blushed at the compliment.

"Well, that's sweet."

"What do you do for work?"

"I, um, I work as a Nanny," I explained.

"A nanny! Well that's perfect for Klaus. Good job Timothée," Marc said.

"I like when she plays dinosaurs with me," Klaus pipped up.

"Awwwww," Nicole was beaming.

"And how long have you two been together?" Nicole asked as she ate a piece of chicken.

"Almost a year I think, right babe?" He asked me, so it would seem more convincing.

"Yeah, um, our date is a little after Klaus's birthday."

"Oh, how sweet," Nicole patted my hand. I was very much adoring his family.

"And how is it going, are we thinking marriage, another baby!"

"Mom!" Timothée said.

"God forbid I wanna know how she feels about you. Come on y/n, how do you feel about our Tim."

"Well, I really, really adore him. When he walks into the room, that room just gets brighter somehow. He is so warm, and kind, and just the most selfless person I know. When I'm around him, I feel like all my troubles don't matter. You just have to watch him with Klaus to tell how good of a man he is. He inspires me, and I'm beyond thankful I met him."

When I finished I looked down awkwardly. I felt my cheeks heat. I'd fucked up, I'd said how I actually felt. I turned slightly to see Timothée was staring at me, mouth slightly open, eyes soft.

"That was beautiful," Nicole said. "Don't be embarrassed. I'm sure you know, our Timothée is very dramatic, I'm sure you've received many a long romantic monologue from him," Nicole chuckled.

"And she deserves them all," he said, grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles. I felt my skin heat.

The dinner was really nice. I was laughing with his parents and throughly enjoying everything that was happening. Too bad it was all false. I wouldn't go to bed beside Timothée tonight, I would report in for work on Monday.

"You should have seen him when he got here. I thought someone had died. He was quite literally frantic. He didn't even act that way when, Olivia left him."

Olivia was Timothée's ex. I was shocked to hear this. I looked over at him and he was rosy cheeked as he drunk his wine. That was the thing with Timothée. He was such a genuinely kind person that I couldn't tell if that meant he had feelings for me or not.

"That's when I knew, I have to meet this girl," his father grinned.

As we finished up I offered to help Nicole with the clean up. Timothée was trying to slowly pick up a sleeping Klaus, so that he didn't wake him.

"Y/n," she said solemnly. "I have never seen Timothée with a better woman than you. I can tell you two adore each other. I know this is forward but I hope nothing happens. I want to see you two together for the long haul."

My world was spinning. I couldn't form words so I just hugged her. How angry would she be at Timothée when he explained it all.

"Alright," Timothée whispered. "Time to go."

"No way, I want to remember this moment," Nicole said, getting out her phone.

"I need a picture of the three of you," she said.

"Mom, now isn't really-"

"Now y/n you get in close, I know Klaus is asleep, but his position is perfect. You look so lovely, but Timothée you should give y/n a kiss."

My stomach began rolling. I didn't know what I was going to do. Timothée was leaning in, and his lips landed on my cheek. I smiled, waiting desperately for the picture to be taken. Finally, we were done.

"Goodnight my loves," Nicole and Marc called to us.

"Well," Timothée said as he climbed in the drivers side after putting Klaus in his car seat.

"I don't know if the good friends angle is going to work after that."

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