He Fell Harder (P8)

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Info - mention of self harm, crying, jealous partner, switching POVs, realizing something, mention of making love, clingy partner

"Can you leave Seb?" I asked.


"My friend, Timothée," I realized Seb would actually know who he was, he'd set us up. "He's just having a really hard personal issue. I think he'd like it if you weren't here."

"You don't want me around?" He asked pitifully.

"It's not that I don't, it's just Timothée, like I said, is dealing with something incredibly personal. If you were crying and hurt I wouldn't want someone you didn't know around either."

"Can I stay until he gets here?" He asked.

"Sure Seb," I sighed, in this moment, I really didn't like his clinginess. We continued our board game until my doorbell rang about a million times. I opened it and Timothée fell into my arms. He was shaking with sobs.

"Okay, Seb, I'm serious I want you to leave," I almost growled. I couldn't believe that he took the time to kiss me before he left. If he was jealous, it was pointless, Timothée wasn't even looking.

Finally, Seb was gone and I lowered us to the floor. He was shaking.

"It's okay," I soothed him. "Cry as long as you want and then you can talk."

He shuddered and let out a whine that that broke my heart. He was still crying but not as hard. It died down as I rubbed his back. Finally, he sucked in a breath and lifted his tear stained face.

"Bryanna and Aiden are together. I caught them kissing. They didn't even stop to look at me. All my plans are destroyed," he cried.

"Hey, hey shhhh," I said and help his face. "I know you're heart broken, but nothing is ruined because you and Bry aren't getting together."

"Yes it is, no one will like me for me," he scrubbed his eyes.

"Timmy," I said and dropped my hands so I could his.

"They already do. Haven't you been partying with them? Haven't you been their friend this whole time?"

"I, um, yes I guess."

"Timothée Chalamet you are worthwhile. You are interesting, handsome, kind, smart and fun to be around. You won't lose all your friends. I'll always be your friend. Don't break your clean streak over this, I know that's what you're thinking of doing."

Timothée's POV

She was looking into my eyes, telling me things I'd never been told. I felt the wild urge to dart forward and kiss her. Wait, what? Wasn't I heartbroken? I was crying like I was, but it didn't seem like the kind of hurt that would be heartbroken.

I felt subdued, like a loser, pathetic, and ashamed, but I didn't feel heartbroken. Was it possible I didn't like Bry, I just liked her social status.

"I'm not going to break my clean streak," I whispered.

"Oh thank god, I was so worried," she said desperately and hugged me to her. When she leaned back from me I looked at her and it hit me.

"Y/n," my voice was barely there. In moments, all the stars shined on her. She was kind, the only person I could speak to about this. She pushed her hair behind her ear and I could've melted. She was gorgeous, how could I never have realized it before? She was....everything. She was the girl I'd been longing for my whole life. No, she wasn't popular or flashy, or what I thought I wanted, but I wanted, boy did I ever want. I desired her with every pour of my being.

"Yeah Timothée?" She asked.

"Are you and Seb happy?"

"We're so happy Timmy, thank you for introducing us," she said joyfully. Now I knew, now I felt heartbreak. Why had I rejected her? She'd wanted me, it'd been so obvious and I'd been a stuck up asshole. I'd brushed her aside like people had to me and I was an idiot. I felt a strain on my heart. I yearned for her, I would have made love to her right now if she wasn't opposed.

"See Timothée, you bring people together, you're a good person," she smiled and my whole world seemed to stop spinning.

"Yeah, I'm so happy I did that," I said dismally.

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