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- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I don't know what happened to me. - Kyle said, breaking down. His hands were holding him up on the table, legs shaking like crazy and almost hyperventilating.

- Hey, hey. Kyle calm down. - Carter said, rubbing the teens back. - It's okay buddy, I'm not mad at you. Take some deep breaths, okay?

Kyle nodded and before he could process it, his guardian's belt went down three hard times. He held himself up, closing his eyes hard and waiting.

- Kyle -Carter called, receiving no response. - Kyle, honey, we're done.

The teen looked back at him with disbelief.

- What do you mean? - he asked.

Carter smiled and helped his boy put up his bottoms.

- Kyle, you were scared. I can't punish you for being scared. I'm not that mean, am I? - the teen smiled briefly - Instead of talking to me you decide to run away. I want you to understand that I'm your safe place, okay?

- I'm sorry.

- I know, it's all forgiven now.

After a quick hug, both left the room. But as they walked down the stairs, they heard a loud scream coming from the kitchen. Kyle stayed back, a bit shocked, but Carter ran downstairs and into the room the sound came from.

James was holding Zach's hand under the running water. Matthew was hyperventilating and crying on the floor. Max was next to him trying to calm him down.

- What the hell happened? - The guardian asked. As he said this, Cameron also enered the room.

- It w-was an accid-dent- Matthew said between sobs, a bit more calm now.

- Matt had boiling water on a cup and he lost balance and the water fell over Zach's hand. -Max explained.

But the poor boy was not having it. He couldn't stop crying like crazy and repeating that it was an accident. Cameron sat down on the floor next to him, while Carter decided to take Zach to the hospital to get the burnt checked out.

- Matty, -Cameron said - No one thinks you did in on purpose, honey. They know you didn't mean to.

Matthew shook his head and kept crying. Max stepped in, holding his friends face between his hands.

- Matt, calm down. Zach is okay. You are okay. We know you didn't do it on purpose, okay? It wasn't a manic episode it was an accident. Got it?

That seemed to work, because the boy slowly calmed down, nodding his head.

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