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The boys walked inside and Cameron walked staright to them, worrying as soon as he saw James' face.

- Where the hell were you boys? You were supposed to be here an hour ago. And what happened to you James?

- Hey Cam calm down, James got hit and he passed out so I took him to the nurse and...

- What??!!! - Cameron interrupted - James!

James shook his head starting to panic.

- No no, he didn't do anything. He messed around with a bully and his older brother hit him. I found him and stopped it, the nurse said he just needs rest and everything else is fine.

Cameron tried to calm down and took a deep breath.

- Okay. Max go do your homework. James come with me.

Maxwell quickly left and James was left alone with Cameron, a bit scared.

- Cameron I'm sorry I didn't want to get in trouble.

- James, I know. You are not in trouble its okay. I just want to make sure you're okay.

James relaxed a bit, and he let Cameron help him go upstairs. They walked in James' room and the boy sat on his bed, whimpering in pain.

- Where does it hurt? - Cameron asked worried.

- It's okay, I promise. Just my stomach and my face. - James answered laying down. - I'm okay Cameron, thanku.

But the guardian wasn't happy with that.

- And how are you mentally? I know this days have been crazy, and all the changes and everything. James, I really want you to trust us and I want you to be okay because I care about you.

James looked at him with a smile.

- My life is always a mess - he chuckled- nah but seriously I'm okay. I feel okay here and stuff with the boys are kinda better.

Cameron smiled rubbing the boy's back.

- You should call Aidan and tell him about today. - the older suggested

James nodded and grabbed his phone while Cameron was leaving the room to give him privacy.

The guardian went to Matt's room, to see how the boy was doing. He opened the door and his jaw was on the floor as soon as he saw what was going on.

- Alexander you better drop that right the fuck now.

The boy jumped scared and looked at Cameron terrified. He dropped the bag on the floor and looked around, and without thinking he jumped out of the window to the roof, and jumped to a tree to get down and started running.

- shit shit shit Carter! CARTER! - Cameron yelled running around in desperation.

The older guardian and the rest of the boys, got out of the rooms and looked at him confused. Cameron grabbed Carter's arm and dragged him downstairs and out in the porch. He was hyperventilating.

- Carter we need to find Aleck. Its happening again and I saw a gun. Carter please we need to find him quick.

- Okay okay Cam calm down, get in the car I'll drive. Please just take deep breaths we'll find him.

The younger nodded and got in the car anxiously waiting for Carter to get in too and start driving.

- How did we not catch it on time? I thought it was under control now. - Carter said - Shit we didn't say anything to the boys. Hey Siri, call Max.

Both guardians waited for the boy to pick up, while looking around the street to see any trace of the missing teen.

-Hey Carter is everything okay? Where did you guys go?

- We can't explain right now Max, don't let any of the boys get out of the house, we'll be back as soon as possible, okay? Please just make sure everyone stays in and its safe.

- Okay I will, don't worry. Drive safe.

Carter hung up and kept driving. They drove for 15 minutes with no luck, and Cameron was desperate. He was hyperventilating even more and his whole body was shaking. Tears started running down his cheeks. Carter noticed and parked the car on the side of the road. He unfastened his seatbelt and faced the other guy grabbing his hands and holding them.

- Cam I need you to take deep breaths, okay? Everything will be okay and we will find him. Please Cammy, deep breaths you can do this. - Nothing seemed to work

- But it's my fault! - he finally screamed.

- No Cam, don't say that. None of this is your fault, we did our best, okay? But it's okay cause nothing is going to happen. I'm going to call the cops.

- No! Wait, wait, just  call Aidan please . I have his number. - the younger asked almost begging.

Carter was confused, but the situation was not letting him think properly. He was really trying to stay calm, so Cameron wouldn't freak out even more, but he was indeed really scared. He just nodded and grabbed Cam's phone out of his shaky hands and called Aidan.

- Hi Cameron, its everything alright?

- Aidan this is Carter, we need your help. One of our boys ran away and we think he is carrying a gun. He is involved in dangerous stuff. We can't find him.

- Oh wow, okay I'll be there in a sec, send me your location.

Seconds were passing like hours, Carter was still trying to calm Cameron down.

- Carter I need to tell you something  I'm sorry I- I didn't think it was going to be like this I-

- Cam what are you talking about?

The younger was shaking even more, crying harder and breathing heavily. He took a deep breath and looked down.

- Last week I caught Aleck sneaking out at night. I was really tired and he told me he was just going to smoke outside. I didn't think it would be a big deal and I just let him. I didn't even thought about this situation or anything, it was too late. I didn't tell you because I didn't think much of it ans I didn't want Aleck to be in trouble.

Carter stayed quiet.

- I'm sorry... - Cam said quietly.

Before the older could even speak, they heard a car. They both looked to the street and saw Aidan pulling over quick and running in their opposite direction. The guardians got out of the car, and then they saw how the cop tackled down someone. Carter started running to get closer and Cameron followed. And therer in the floor was Alexander, getting handcuffed and screaming.

- Leave me the fuck alone you bastard! Stop!

The teen was a mess. Red eyes and bruised face, arms and legs. Aidan started searching the boy's body and found the gun. It wasn't loaded, but it was real.

- Aledander what the hell was on your mind?!! - Carter yelled furious. - Thank you Aidan.

- No problem, need any help with dealing with this? - the cop asked while still holding down the handcuffed boy.

- Actually, yes please. Do you have time to come to the house with us? Keep him handcuffed.

Aleck shouted again complaining. Cameron was relieved that they had found the boy, but he was still quiet and very anxious.

- Sure, he can go in my car. Get up boy. - Aidan said - Alexander, right? I'll note you down in my black list.

The teen looked at him with a death stare and spit on the floor.

When both of the guardians were in their car, the older started speaking not getting his eyes out of the road.

- We are going home and we are going to deal with this together. Aidan will help us but we will do everything together, the punishment too. We will both be in the room at all times and we will both participate. Because we are a team in here. And after we are done with Aleck, and all the boys are sleeping, you and me will have a little chat.

There weren't more words needed. Not even an answer from Cameron.

A/N How's it going? Do you like this so far? Don't forget to check out my other book, and vote and comment!!

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