Background Story

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A/N, heyyy sorry for not posting, school is getting really busy!! Okay, soo this will be another story from the past. Just so you know the boys a bit more. Soo, today's selected is... Ryan!! Our nice and funny guy, James' roomate and also youngest of the boys (by months, lol). Ryan is always trying to make the environment in the house chill, he doesn't like anyone fighting. He for sure has a bad language problem, but how the hell did he end up in the group home? Well that's exactly what we're here for ;) . This won't be a whole story... We can't do all the fun in one day, can we? DISCLAIMER: death of a child in this chapter.

It was a hot summer of whatever year you want it to be. Our little Ryan was 10, playing in the pool with his twin sister, Riley. Their older brother Mickey, who was 16 at the time, was smoking some weed, supposedly watching over his siblings.

- Hey sis, I'm going in to get some lemonade, want some? - Ryan asked.

- Sure! Don't take too long tho, I'm gonna beat your ass swimming from side to side without breathing.


And with that, our boy ran inside, leaving a very busy brother and a crazy sister holding her breath under water to prove his twin she was better than him.

But she never came out of the water. Her hair got stuck in one of the water sucking things and she drowned before Ryan could come back.

- Mickey where's Riley? - the boy asked worried.

- Do I look like I know, you shitface kid?

Ryan was the one to find his twin sister's body. And after that it all went downhill. Ryan's parents went to jail for neglecting their children, specially after the cops saw the state of the house. Ryan and Mickey got sent to their uncle's place, rich strict man called Rob. Who the hell is called Rob and has money? Anyway, Mickey was NOT happy about the move. After his sister's death he stopped smoking, he genuinely felt like a monster. But all the new rules were too much for him, and he was quick to drag his brother into trouble.

- I'm not going to private school - Mickey yelled from upstairs - that shit ain't for me Bob, I rather go to juvie.

- For the last time, Mickey. Put on your uniform, grab your bag, and get your ass in the car.

- For the last time Bob - Mickey said mocking him- I'm not fucking going to school.

Ryan was quietly sitting at the end of the stairs. Since their sister's death, Mickey had been very protective over him, and the younger wanted to do anything he did. And that was clearly going to be a problem.

Bob started getting up the stairs while taking his belt off.

- Come here brat, you clearly need to be taught a lesson. My sister did a horrible job raising you.

Little Ryan saw his brother try to escape, and he wanted to help him. He grabbed his uncle's leg, making him fall. But the fall was a bit too hard and Bob ended up rolling down the stairs unconscious and bleeding.

Ryan was in shock. Mickey ran to his side.

- Let's go, quick. We're leaving. - he said.

- But, Mickey?

- Now! - the older shouted, making Ryan follow him.

They left the house, and when they were far enough, Mickey called for emergency. As soon as he started hearikg the sirens, he got down to his brother's level.

- Okay Ryan listen to me and do what I say okay? - the younger nodded - You tell the cops you were not in the room, okay? You were in the garden and didn't hear or see anything.

- But Mickey....

- Ryan do as I say, okay? - Mickey said holding him tight. - Everything will be okay.

The younger finally nodded

A/N Short but intensee :) .

Enjoy, vote and please comment your thoughts or ideas!!!

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