Background Story

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Cameron was 18, he had entered college to be a doctor, like his dad wanted, but he was failing all his classes. His college dorm roomate was 20 year old Carter, law student with amazing grades and a social and healthy life. Cam felt really lost next to him. They got along well, but didn't really talk much.

One night, Carter entered the room and saw Cameron crying in his bed.

- Hey buddy whats wrong? - he asked softly, while approaching the crying boy, who just hid his face - it's okay Cam, talk to me.

Cameron sniffed and looked at the other boy with red puffy teary eyes.

- My dad sais he is gonna send me to a military camp if my grades don't get better. But I don't even wanna study medicine. He agreed on letting me change studies to law but now I'll be even more lost because the degree already started and I don't know what to do.

Carter looked at the boy and smiled.

- You have the perfect guy here, you know I'm a law student in 3rd grade (a/n where I live its called 3rd grade of the degree, wich is just literally the 3rd grade of the degree lol). I can help you.

Cameron looked down still upset.

- But Carter, I'm a bad student, I don't want you to waste your time on me.

The older grabbed Cameron's hands and sat on the bed next to him.

- You know I have a lot of self-discipline, and that is what helps me have this success. But if you don't have that it means you may need someone to help you. I can do that for you Cameron. If you let me help you, by the end of the year you'll be the top student of your class.

*time skip to a month later or so*

The boys had been studying together and it had been really helping Cameron. But one day he had a very important exam to study for, that he didn't tell Carter about. He had 2 days to study and he just didn't really care much. He got invited to a party, and it sounded like the perfect plan to do instead of studying, so he got out without saying anything and got a friend to drive him there. He started to drink really early, and there was no stop from there. He drank until he couldn't see anything anymore, and when he was alone in the  backyard of the house he started throwing up into some random bushes. Cameron started to think that amazing idea was not that amazing anymore, and he started crying. It was also really cold, and he wasn't even wearing a hoddie. He didn't know what to do and pulled out his phone, searching for Carter's number and pressing call.

- Cameron it's 4 in the morning where the hell are you? I've been messaging you.

- Carter please come pick me up, please I'm so sorry.

He threw up again and the older could hear. He just sighed.

- Okay, you're at Will's party, right? I know his house, I'll be there really soon.

Carter's black car parked in front of the house and the boy got out and started to look for Cameron. He found him laying in the grass outside, almost passed out shaking from the cold and crying silently.

- Shit. - Carter whispered- Hey buddy come here let me help you.

The older grabbed the boy and helped him walk to the car and put his seatbelt on. He drove back to the campus, and had to carry the boy that was already sleeping. Carter made him wake up a bit to have a sip of water, and then he helped him get in bed and sleep.

But things were not as fun in the morning.

- Cameron get up, now.

- But I'm tireedd, I want to keep sleeping.

- I don't care. Does your head hurt?

- No, I never have hangover.

- Perfect. Then get your ass up right the fuck now before I get you up myself. You're already in enough trouble.

Cameron got out of the bed and rubbed his eyes. Then his brain processed what Carter had said and he looked at the older confused.

- What? I'm not in trouble, no one even saw me.

Carter got closer to him and grabbed his arm looking at him staright in his eyes.

- Oh yeah? And what about me? I picked you up at 4 am and carried you here because you were too fucking drunk, when you were supposed to be studying for a test you didn't told me about, do you think I wouldn't find out? So yeah, you are in trouble, with me.

Cameron was too stunned to speak (a/n I laughed writing this sentence please tell me u get it)

- You gotta be joking bro, just let me go back to sleep.

But Carter was, in fact, not joking. He grabbed both of the younger's arm and pushed him to the bed. Then he  pinned him down, getting on top of him and holding his arms.

- Carter! What the fuck are you doing? Stop!

Cameron tried to escape the tight hold with no luck.

- Cameron, we agreed that I'd help you, right? Well with that you also agreed to the consequences of that. Remember, if you don't have self-discipline, you need someone to discipline you.

And with that he did quickly movements and sat on the bed pulling the boy over his lap, trapping Cameron's legs with his owns.

- No no no no Carter you can't do this. Please no I'm not a kid.

- Shut up. You decide to act like a little kid? You get punished like one.

And without warning he began spanking the boy hardly. After a while the boy stopped moving and began to just accept it. Carter was really strong, and he was not cutting off on his strength. Cameron began crying when the pain was too much.

- Please Carter I'm sorry, please stop.

But the hits just got more intense. Cameron's hands had a strong grip on the sheets.

- I'm sorry Im sorry please please - the younger's begging began to be just messy mumbling while crying.

Carter stopped and let the boy catch his breath, rubbing circles on his back.

- Cam, from now on I'll be here to put your limits. You will do what I say, you won't go out without asking me first, and no drinking for a while, at least until you can control yourself. Now you will sit your sore ass in the chair and we'll study for the exam, understood?

- Y-yes. - Cameron layed there, not wanting to move. It felt nice to have someone to actually care this much. He wanted to do good in life, he wanted to be successful.

- Listen, I'm an orphan, I grew up in foster care and a group homes, and I never really had that parental figure to put limits. So I had to do it myself if I didn't want to end on the streets. Thats why I am the way I am. And that's why I wanna help you, Cameron. - Carter explained.

The younger just nodded and slowly got up. After a second of thinking quietly they hugged each other and stayed like that for a while.

After that it was a long day of studying, that actually helped Cameron get a 90% in his exam.

A/n okay okay please comment what you think. Next chapter will be back to normal timeline, but if u like this I can always make more chapters in the past.

Vote, comment and enjoy!

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