Double Trouble

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Zachary's POV

After the little chat with Carter, I wanted nothing more than to kiss my baby-face. Those blue eyes had such a soft gaze, I wanted to stare at them forever. I didn't care what anyone said, I wasn't planing on ruining my boy's attitude. If anything, I could even change mine for him. But of course, that could never be said out loud. I thought about it all night that day, and I came to the conclusion that I actually needed to do some change. I mean, my sassy behavior wasn't going anywhere, but maybe I could put a little bit of effort into keeping some of my comments down. Maybe less backtalk, a bit less of name calling... Okay maybe a lot less. Anyway, I planned how I would do it. Maybe helping out around the house, starting on some school work, and being nicer to the boys. I could do that, it seemed easy. Well not that easy but not too bad. Okay really bad. But anything for Jamie.

Ryan's POV

Matt and I work well together because we are pretty similar. To be honest, my hyperactive friend doesn't get in trouble as often as I do, and it is certainly not in big ways. He gets in trouble for school stuff, mostly because of his impulsiveness. I guess I get in trouble a bit more just cause I can't keep my mouth shut. We both have that in common but mine is just a tiny little bit worse (a lot, according to Cam and Carter).

I'm not a bad guy, I never get into fights for the pleasure of it, and I've only actually hit two people in my life. I'm a very chill guy, I get along with almost anyone. I know I can be a role model for a lot of people, socially speaking.


Was that too much?

I'll stop selling my amazing personality and get into the actual shit.

Matty boy wanted to scare off Zachary, and I didn't see any problem in his plan, having in mind Zach is a bitch and completely deserves it. And honestly, I don't like people messing with my housemates. They're all like brothers, sometimes they even get protective over me. So, when Matthew offered me to be his helper, I couldn't say no.

Thats a lie.

I could have, perfectly, without any remorse, without feeling bad, and sleeping perfectly fine that night. But, I felt like doing it so yeah. Bro, stop questioning me so much. Or maybe it's just me. Oh my God I'm turning into Matthew, are you guys sure that ADHD shit ain't contagious?

Zachary's POV

I woke up a bit earlier than usual, and decided to just get out of bed and start my day. It was a Saturday, so there wasn't much to do. I made my bed and took a quick shower before going downstairs. Cameron was in the kitchen, having some coffe.

- Morning Cam. - I said with a smile.

He looked at me weirdly.

- What you doing up so early, boy?

How dare he question my... Who am I even trying to fool? He was damm right to judge me. But that was okay, cause I knew the process was going to be slow.

- I just wanted to enjoy my day.

That sounded too fake. But I just went on with it.

The rest of the morning passed quickly, getting a lot more confused looks by everyone because of my surprisingly good behavior. They thought it was suspicious, and Carter didn't waste any time into letting me now. He grabbed me and pulled me to the side.

- What's going on with you, Zachary? Are you up to something?

I swear I couldn't get a breakkkkk.

I shook my head with a smile.

- I'm just trying to be good, Carter. I don't know why such a fuss about it, I thought thats what you wanted?

There, my sassy comments, obviously couldn't resist them. But I kept it down and Carter finally let me go free.

Being nice to the boys was a harder task. But just a little glance at my beautiful boy and everything was worth it. I guess most of them didn't believe my attitude was genuine, and I don't blame them. I thought time would just show. By the time the day was over, I realized I had to do a little more. I thought about how much I teased Matthew, and I decided to go apologize for my behavior. It was gonna be hard, but worth it. And who knows, maybe we could end up getting along.


Matthew was starting to scare me a bit. The way he smiled while talking about what he wanted to do to Zachary was certainly terrifying. But he made sure I knew half of what he said were just jokes. He didn't intend to actually hurt the boy, he kept repeating he just wanted to scare him a bit. The plan didn't sound that bad, it was a bit harsh but again, it wouldn't actually harm him. We were supposed to get Zachary in Matt's room somehow, and then cover his mouth and tie him up. It would be for just half an our or so, and we would act like if we were actually going to hurt him, so the bitch knew not to mess with us. After it was over we would just untie him, and he would be too scared to say a word.

Zach had been acting very weirdly that day. I felt something wrong, everything felt wrong. Zachary's and Matthew's behavior felt really really wrong. But I decided to be dumb and not follow my guts, and just stick to the plan.

We were in Matthew's room, we were planning how we were going to do it. He was sitting in his bed, facing the door. I was right next to the entry, so that when the door was opened I wouldn't be seen. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

And then it all happened too fast.


I stood in front of Matthew's room for a while, making in my head the little speech I was going to be doing for him. I wanted to sound genuine, and I actually wanted to be chill with him. After some deep breaths, I knocked at the door, and entered when I heard I was allowed in.

Matthew was sitting on the bed, facing the door. I was glad he was alone cause it made things way easier. I didn't know how to start talking, but I didn't have to. He did. He looked at me with a wide smile.

- Hey Zacky, perfect timing. - he said.

I didn't have time to react before I heard the door closing behind me loudly and I felt someone grabbing me by my neck and covering my mouth. I couldn't see who was holding me, but I saw Matthew was still smiling, and he started to approach me as I tried to get free. I looked around the room to see if I could do something, like knock something with my feet to help me. I started to whimper as the teen was getting closer.

And then it all happened too fast.

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