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Sorry for not posting much, I have a lot of exams 😭. Okay now back to our lovely storyy.

Tw: abuse

While Carter and Max were talking upstairs, James was trying to not throw up  in the downstair's bathroom from his high anxiety. Cameron ws really confused, and was just trying to help the boy as much as he could. Finally, the poor teen calmed down a bit and was able to sit down.

- Feeling better buddy? - Cam asked playing with the boy's hair, who just nodded and closed his eyes taking a deep breath again. - it feels like today it's gonna be a long day for you.

- I don't wanna stay here with him. I can't live with Maxwell, I'm sorry. I'm leaving. - And with that he got up, but got dragged back to his seat.

- Hold on there mister, you aren't goikg anywhere. This problem will be fixed, and whatever is going on between you two will be dealt with. Now, if you put a foot outside of this house without our permission, you will start learning what we mesnt with punishments. Got it? - Well Cameron sure knew how to be scary sometimes.

- And I thought he was the nice one - he whispered to himself, gladly getting ignored by the older.

They heard Carter speaking in the leaving room, and when they heard Max, James' heart started racing again. Cameron put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

- Don't worry, everything is going to be okay. Let's get out of here and sit down with them and talk like normal human beings, okay?

- O-okay.

James just wanted to leave. He wanted to run to the door and just leave that place that moment. But he knew Aidan was going to catch him and brong him back, and he definitely did not want to deal with the consequences. So, accepting his fate, he followed Cameron.

The tension in the room could have been cut with scissors. Max was looking at the floor, and so was James. Both of the teens sat on the couches, one facing the other. The guardians sat one next to each boy, fully aware they might need to interfere at any moment. After s minute of silence, James took the courage to speak.

- M-Max umm - he stuttered nervously - I think you just need to listen to me, okay? Cause I know you may think some stuff but you don't really know what happened and..

- Just shut up - Max interrupted - I don't want to hear a word from you. You betrayed me. You fucking betrayed me and you were like a brother to me. And brothers don't do that to each other.

Tears were coming down bith of the boy's faces. The guardians looked at eachother but didn't speak.

- Max please, listen to me. Just give me this chance to explain, okay? You don't know what happened - James was almost begging.

- No. You are the one who doesn't know. That fucking bastard almost killed me and you were gone. You left me alone. I don't even care if what happened was your fault, I would have taking it for you. But you left me.

- Max no I'm sorry but- wait, he almost what? - all of their faces changed in confusion.

- What do you mean what. Yeah, he beat the shit out if me and left me unconscious, and broke my-

- What??? - James stood up - No no no no. Why? No that wasn't supposed to happen, he said he wasn't. Nonhe couldn't have done it I-

- Wait what are you talking about James. You knew he was going to hit us both and you left cause-

- No! - James interrupted again looking furious - thats not what happened. When Ben came into my room, I told him it had all been my fault, and we agreed that I was going to take double so that you would be free. We agreed on that. And he started hitting me with that goddam beer bottle cutting my face. He said it wasn't enough and that he was going to get the baseball bat. I couldn't take it anymore and I saw the window was open and just run, and I went to the closest house and called the cops. I wanted you out of there - Max's jaw was onnthe floor

- James are you lying? Cause there is no point to lie right now I mean I-

- Max I am dead serious. I am really sorry for leaving, I just thought the police could help, but I guess they didn't come on time...

Suddenly there was only silence. The boys were looking back to the floor. After what felt like forever, Max stood up too, and hugged James almost leaving him without air. The guardians looked at eachother with a smile.

This got a bit emotional and everything, but y'all can imagine how they hugged for a bit more and blah blah blah.

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