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- Kyle! Open the door, now!

Carter was on the hallway, controlling himself before he would actually push the door down. The stubborn teen had locked himself on the bathroom after having a small argument with the guardian. Kyle needed some some blood tests to be done, and let's just say he was not happy about it.

- I told you I'm not going to. Not until you promise me we won't go there.

- I'm not promising you that because you need to go. This is health reasons Kyle, so get your ass out now, unless you want to sit uncomfortably in the doctor's office.

Carter was dead serious and Kyle knew, but the younger was not going to give up that easily.

- I won't go anywhere.

Maxwell walked by and looked at the desperate guardian with compassion, before stepping in.

- Ky, I swear you won't feel a thing, okay? I had one done last year and it was perfectly fine. I promise you buddy. - he said.

- But I'm gonna get a bad nurse and they're gonna mess up, I know it. - Kyle complained, now almost crying, making Carter soften up a bit.

- Honey, they won't, you will be fine. I'm gonna be there with you and make sure everything is well performed, okay? - the guardian said, receiving no reply. - Please Kyle, just open the door.

After a bit of silence, the sound of the door being unlocked was followed by the door being slowly opened. Kyle was looking at the floor.

- Hey buddy - Carter said softly - Let's go to the car, okay?

The teen just nodded and started walking. The drive to the torture was very silent. Carter tried to do some small talk with Kyle, but the younger wasn't very cooperative. Finally, they arrived.

Everything was normal, they entered the hospital bulding, took the elevator to the 3rd floor and sat down in the waiting room. People started getting called and Kyle was slowly getting more and more nervous.

- Kyle you'll be fine, I promise. - Carter tried for like one hundred times.

The teen just stayed quiet, until they got called in.

- Can you go in first please? - Was all he said.

And by his tone, Carter immediately knew something was off. But he let it slide because the teen was really nervous, and it was better to just accept. And oh boy was he in the wrong. As soon as Cartere entered the room, Kyle closed the door and started running.

"I'm dead" he thought. Of course he was right, but ut was already too late. Running away was dumb snd he knew from experience it wouldn't lead him anywhere. So he just accepted his fate, sitting down on the floor of a random bathroom and started crying. After what felt like hours, but was really 15 mins, a knock on the door made his heart start racing again. But his guardian's voice was calm, not angry.

- Hey buddy, I know you are in there. - Carter started. - Please make this easier for us, just open the door.

The teen thought about it but just opened the door looking down, for the second time that day. He expected a slap or an ear pulling, but instead he got a hug. Damm Cartie you are a softieee.

- I'm sorry. - Kyle said.

They walked back to the doctor's office, and a smiling nurse helped Kyle sit down on a chair, trying to calm him down with soft and encouraging words. And everyone was right, the boy barely felt anything. There was only one kind of pain he was going to feel that day, and it was not because of needles...

As soon as they got home, Carter got to serious mood again and grabbed Kyle by his arm.

- My room, pants down and bent over.

Words can't describe what the boy felt. He wanted to start crying right away but he (wisely) thought that he had already disobeyed enough that day. That didn't stop him from walking extra slowly up the stairs, gaining himself a fair warning.

Carter closed the door behind him and took off his belt.

A/N heyy beautiful people, sorry for the short chapter I needed to post something quick. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post but Im back home for a while so I'll try to write more.

As always enjoy, comment and vote!!

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