School Again

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A/N Hey guys read this!!! So imma go back to not doing POVS to see how I like it, you can also comment what u think! Now just read lol <3

Weeks passed and all of the boys were behaving. Therapy was also a must again in some of the teen's new rutines, and they weren't complaining too much. However, school always seemed to be the main source of trouble for all of them, even the most well behaved. Zach was the less excited one for school, he hadn't been attending it for a few years, so he was a couple grades behind Ryan and James. And of course, that pissed him off. Having to be with kids 2 years younger than him felt so humilliating, and the boy was determined on not going.

- Zachary I will not repeat myself, grab your bag and get your ass to school. You are going to make the boys late. - Cameron said. 

- I don't give a fuck. They can go without me, I'm not going anyway. If they wait for me they will have to wait forever. - The teen replied, sitting arms crossed and sat on the stairs like a little kid. 

Cameron sighed deeply and started to take deep breaths trying to calm down. He looked at the time and then turned to the rest of the boys. 

- Okay guys, you can go now. I'll drive him to school later. 

All of them just nodded and started leaving the house, except from James. He shyly aproached Zach and sat down next to him. He looked up at Cameron, who decided to let them have a bit of privacy and walked into the kitchen. 

- It won't be that bad Zach. I'll help you with your work and maybe they can make you go up one grade.

- But I'm going to be in class with fucking fourteen year olds. Some of the are even 13 still. I can't do that shit, they all probably know more than me. 

James put his arm around Zach's, kissing his cheek softly.

- Please Zachy, just try it. If it's really too much we could try and talk to the principal to see what he can do, okay? And come on, aren't you a bad scary boy who isn't scared of anything?

Zachary smiled and nodded, making the other teen also smile and give him another kiss on the cheek, just as Cameron was entering the room again. The guardian looked at the boys with a smile.

- Ready to go now? I'll drive you.

They both nodded, and Zach dragged his feet all the way to the car and then all the way into the school.

The day went on normally, the bell rang on last period and the boys started meeting each other at the front door to go home. After around 15 minutes they were all there. Well, not all. Zachary was nowhere to be found.

- Can't we just leave without him? - Nathan asked.

- No, we're waiting here. He's probably lost, this school is pretty big. - Max said.

- He's probably bitching around with some random girl. - Kyle said.

Jame's eyes widened and his breathing started to get heavier. Kyle noticed and laughed.

- Come on James, don't tell me you think he's not. He has all the girls behind him. Plus, I'm sure the younger girls in her class are desperate for the bad boy's attention. - he teased.

James got closer while grinding his teeth.

- Shut the fuck up. - he said.

- Guys stop it - Max interfered. - James don't worry, Zach is probably just lost.

- Yeah, lost inside some girl's pants. - Kyle continued, making James furious.

- Why are you such a bitch Kyle. - the younger said, pushing him a bit.

- Why are you such a baby James.

- Enough. - Maxwell said, this time raising his voice a bit more, making both of the teens step back a bit. - Now you stay here and don't cause a scene, I'm gonna go find him.

There was no reply as Max entered the school building again. He walked around a bit, until he saw this circle of people. It wasn't big, but it was enough to let him know something was going on. And the boy had a very strong feeling that his missing housemate had something to do with it. As he approached, his mind started to create the worst possible scenarios. He knew Zachary very well, and the boy was definetly a fight starter in school, so it wouldn't have been a surprise if he was already with a bloody nose or a black eye.

And the first one was exactly how he found him.

- Zachary what the fuck.

Maxwell said, not caring about the people around them. He grabbed the boy by his arm and pulled him out of the circle, dragging him to the closest bathroom. Once there, he helped the younger boy put tissue on his bleeding nose and checked for any other visible damage, wich wasn't found.

- What did you do? Did you hit someone? On your first day Zachary... Who did you hurt? Why?

The older wasn't even making sense anymore.

- Max stop it. My head is going to explode if you keep with the questions. - Zach said, trying not to be too rude. - I didn't hurt anyone, okay? I got into some trouble with the teacher in class and I was sent to the principal's office. But while I was waiting I came across that bitch Derek. He started teasing me and shit and I ended up calling him a bitch. So this happened. Thats all.

Zach was almost out of breath once he was done explaining. Max was a bit more calmed and he just nodded in response.

- I'm sorry. - Zach said, looking down.

The younger was still kind of terrified of Maxwell.

- Dont worry buddy, tho if whatever you did in class got to our sweet guardians' ears you better be prepared once you get home. - the older replied with a smile.

Once Zachary's nose stopped bleeding and he was clean and calmed, both of the boys made they way out of the building, meeting their housemates who were impatiently waiting.

- Fucking finally, where the hell were you? - Matthew asked.

- None of your damm business. - Zach answered, starting to walk home next to the others.

James grabbed the blonde's arm and held him so that they were a bit behind than the rest of the group.

- Where were you, and don't even dare answering me like you did to Matt. - James asked.

Zach sighed deeply before answering.

- Derek hit me, but don't worry Jamie he-

- What?? - James cut him, talking a bit too loud and making the boys in front of them look back a bit - I swear I'm gonna...

Zach stopped and grabbed Jame's face with both of his hands, cupping his cheeks and looking staright into his eyes.

- Baby I'm okay, I promise. He won't do it again, it was past stuff that we never dealt with, okay? All good now. - he said, James just nodded looking at the floor - Plus, a little birdie told me you already got a taste of Derek's fists, and I dont want you to die just yet, I'd like you around for a bit more.

Both of them giggled and messed with eachother a bit before walking again. They arrived a bit later than the rest, wich gave them a bit of privacy for some sneaky kisses.... Hehhehe.

But not so fun once they entered the house. Carter was waiting by the door, arms crossed and his "you're dead" look. Zach swallowed hard, looking at James who started to shake.

- Dont worry baby-face - he whispered to him - that's for me.

- Zachary, my room, now.

A/N Hey again beautiful people. Late and really short im so sorry guysss!!

As always comment, vote and enjoy!

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