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- Aidan?

James was in front of the door when they got in. He looked confused at everybody. The situation was a bit, umm, messy. Alexander, the quiet kid, was handcuffed and being dragged while saying all the insults he'd said in all his life. And Cameron was looking down, eyes red and shaky hands. Carter stepped in.

- James go to your room. - the guardian said sternly.

- But what's going on? - he insisted - why is Aidan here?

- James, room, now. - Aidan said in an even more sternly and scary voice, that made the teen obey instantly.

Max was in the living room and as soon as he saw the conversation, he made all the boys go upstairs to their rooms too.

Alexander was guided inside the living room, followed by the cop and the guardians. They all sat down and for an instant there was just complete silence.

- Can you please take the handcuffs off? It's starting to hurt. - Alexander was back to his normal calm self, wich made everything easier.

Aidan looked at Carter and Cameron for approval, and they both nodded. The cop took off the handcuffs and the teen thanked him.

- Okay, let's take this step by step. Alexander this is Aidan, you may have seen him before. As you have noticed he is a cop. Why don't you explain to him the things you've been doing?

Aleck stayed quiet. His brain was going a thousand miles per hour, and his heart started matching it too. He looked around and realized how bad he had fucked up. He wasn't worried about getting his ass beaten, well a bit maybe, but he was mostly worried because he knew he had disappointed his guardians, and himself.

- I umm I - words were not coming out of his mouth, and he started to cry - I'm sorry.

Cameron was dying from anxiety.

- Aleck honey, why did you go back? We talked about it the last time, and we told you that you could trust us and tell us before doing anything. What did we do wrong?

And that hit hard. Cameron was more upset at himself than with Alexander and the teen realized that and it hurt him more than anything.

- Fuck I'm so sorry I'm sorry I didn't know what to do, I know I should have told you but I was too stressed and I was worried you guys would be mad. John called me 2 weeks ago and I just couldn't say no, and that started it all. I had to sneak out 3 times. And don't worry, none of the boys covered me because none of them know, I didn't want to get them in trouble too. I'm sorry.

- Where did you get the gun from? - Aidan asked.

Aleck hesitated to answer. He was talking to a cop, and let's just say he was not really a good friend of cops. But he took a deep breath and decided to let it out.

- That guy John gave it to me. I have no idea how he got it, I promise. And I wasn't going to use it, it's not even loaded, but I needed to have it for protection.

Silence again. But the cop was curious.

- Alexander, what kind of stuff are you involved in? Don't worry, I'm not going to say a word about it, but I can help you get out without consequences.

- Drug dealing and a gang. - Aleck was really quick anwering now, he just wanted to get over it. - I'm not inside the gang and I'm not in trouble with them either, so I'm safe. But that bag I have in my room, I need to give that to John today. I promise it's going to be my last contact with all of these, but I need to finish the job.

The guardians looked at each other and then at Aidan, and lastly at Alexander again.

- Thank you for being honest. As a cop, I think the best you can do is just drop off the bag and block all contacts after. That's all I can say. - Aidan stated.

- Okay, then thats what we will do. I'm going to drive you there, you drop the bag and then you will block and delete all the numbers in front of us. We will also keep your phone for a while, and you will not be allowed to use any form of internet unless its in front of us. - Carter said. - Thank you for helping Aidan, we appreciate it. Alexander, go grab the bag and go to the car and wait for me there.

The teen obeyed quickly.

-I'm going to see James really quick if you don't mind - Aidan said.

- Feel free, go see your boy. - Cameron answered. Once it was only him and Carter he looked at the other guardian - Carter I'm so sorry.

- Cam I told you we will talk about this later, not right now. I'm going to drive Aleck and once I'm back we will punish him, then make dinner and eat, and then the boys will go to sleep early and we'll talk.

Cameron just nodded looking at the floor, and sat on the couch to wait.

Upstairs, Aidan called for James, who got out of his room and looked down when he saw the cop.

- Hey buddy, sorry for talking to you like that earlier, it was a tricky situation.

- It's okay, I understand. I missed you, things are crazy here but I promise I'm out of trouble for now. - James answered making Aidan smile.

- Good boy, keep it that way, okay? I need to go now but mesaage me later, maybe we can hang out this weekend.

- Yes yes - James said excited.

They hugged and Aidan left.

Carter and Aleck came back around 20 minutes later. It was late, so Cameron had the boys help start dinner and set the table.

- Lets have dinner now, before it gets cold- Cameron suggested.

They ate and the boys were told to just chill in the living room. They obviously knew it was because Alexander's ass was going to be on fire really soon.

- Guys I'm really sorry - the teen said when they entered Carter's room.

- Pants and boxers down, bend over the table. - Carter ordered.

Aleck thought about complaining, but he knew he deserved it and just obeyed. The older guardian took off his belt, and started to punish the troubled boy. Aleck was crying by the fifth hit, ass already pretty red. Carter just kept going, roughly and with non-stop hits. The poor teen couldn't do anything else but cry and bite his hoddie. After some more hits he started to beg.

- Pleease please mmmm Pleease no moreee

Cameron bit his lip feeling guilty. Then Carter stopped and looked at him, and handled him his belt. Cam shook his head but the older raised an eyebrow at him and he just took it.

- Cam, Alexander promised you last time, didn't he? So finish his punishment.

Cameron just nodded and Aleck kept crying. The rest of the punishment was hard, but didn't last much longer.

Cam threw the belt to the floor and quickly wrapped the boy with his arms and held him tight. He needed that hug more than the boy.

- Don't ever do that again please Aleck, don't worry me like that again. - he whispered playing softly with his hair.

Carter smiled and sat on his bed.

A/N Okay so I may do another update tonight or tomorrow. Remember to comment and vote!! Lovee xx

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