Background Story

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A/N I should be studying my ass out but here I am, writing something so y'all get entertained. I figured I could do another one of this background stories. It was hard to decide wich of the boys to choose. (And you dont like cooperate much in the comments)

Anyways, here were are. Our choosen troublemaker is....

Our sweet boy Hayden.

CW: Kidnapping and murder.


Hayden was 10, playing by himself in the backyard of his house. He heard yelling and saw his father arguing over the phone.

- Je vous ai déjà dit que l’enfant reste avec moi... Non... Ne venez pas pour lui parce que je ne vais pas vous laisser le prendre... Non!

The phone call ended and the kid pretended to be paying so he wouldn't be caught.

- Hayden! - his father called- Come inside already.

The kid obeyed quickly. The look on his dad's face made him start to worry. The conversation on the phone had left him nervous. Was he the kid the were talking about?

- Who was that on the phone?- Hayden asked.

His father looked down at him, not looking mad, his dad was never mad. It was a weird look, definetly not good.

- Ne t’inquiète pas à propos de ça. Why don't you go play on your room?

- But It's nice outside papa. Why can't I keep playing there? - The kid said frustrated causehe wasn't getting any answers.

A loud noise in the front of the house made then both jump.

- Hayden, go to your room please. And don't come out no matter what. - His father said, grabbig his arm and motioning him to the stairs.

- What's going on? - Hayden asked at the edge of tears.

The older looked at his son and cupped his face with his hands, softly caressing his cheek.

- No matter what you hear, don't move from your room. Hide behind your bed and don't get out no matter what. Okay? I need you to be very brave mon petit oiseau. Je t'aime, okay? Never forget that.

Hayden rushed upstairs, tears running down his face. He did as he was told and soon after he heard yelling and 2 gunshots. He cried even more, covering his mouth with his hand as he heard steps up the stairs. The door in his room opened and he held hos breath. It closed shortly after, and he waited a bit until he thought he was safe. He peeked a bit and didn't see anyone, so he started getting out of under his bed.

- Où cachez-vous, petit rat? -He heard a man say.

He tried to hide back uder the bed, but it was already too late. The door opened again and two strong man grabbed him and put a bag over his head. He kicked his feet while screaming for help. Suddenly, Hayden felt a sharp pain on his arm, what felt like a needle. And then everything went black.

17 days. That's how long 10 year old Hayden was tied up, blindfolded and gagged for most of the time. Given barely any food or water, enough to survive. Hit repeatedly through the day. And yelling. Lots of yelling, all the time and by everyone around him.

10 days. That's how long he spent hospitalized after he was rescued.

And 4 years. Thats how long he spent on therapy to finally be able to close his eyes at nigh without hearing voices.

However, Hayden was always sweet. Not for a single second he turned into a bad person. His dad was murdered by his mom's orders. His mom was caught and sent to prison. He entered the system, spending most of his time in foster care.

But then, you may ask ( you should ask ), how did our sweet and lovely Hayden end up as a troubled teen?

Well that's the thing, Hayden wasn't a troubled teen. So, you asked the wrong question ( Not my fault ).

So, how did our sweet and lovely Hayden end up in Carter and Cameron's group home? Well that is another story.

That I can gladly explain lol I have literally nothing better to do rn.

Hayden was 15, in fostercare. His foster family was not the best, and after a lot of arguing and yelling, Hayden couldn't handle it anymore. He asked for a change in the house and convinced the authorities. He was sent to a big house, not a group home, one of those centers for teens. But to his luck, the place had to be shut down.

Hayden was so confused, no one was telling him what he needed to do or where to go. He was outside of the building when he tried asking one of the responsible adults there. But the man started to yell at him and be disrespectful, wich obviously Hayden hated. Before he could realize he was already crying.

- Now you're crying like a little girl, no one is going to want you like this kid. Grow up. - The man said.

Hayden was a mess, and the crying started a panic attack. Suddenly, he felt someone approaching him.

- Hey buddy - A boy said - Can you take a deep breath?

Hayden looked up to see a boy that couldn't be much older than him. He was tall and muscular, but he was acting really nice towards him. Eventually, Hayden calmed down.

- Can I ask for your name, bud? - The boy said.

- I'm Hayden.

- Okay Hayden, I'm Maxwell. Are you one of the boys who were placed in this facility? I heard it shut down.

Hayden just nodded his head.

- Where are you going now? - Max asked.

- I don't know. I tried asking but that bitch decided to yell at me for no reason. I know I shouldn't have cried over it I'm a crybaby....

- Hey don't say that - Max said, rubbing gently Hayden's arm - There's nothing bad in being sensitive buddy.

The older stayed quiet for a bit while thinking. Eventually, he grabbed his phone.

- I'm gonna do a quick call, okay?

Hayden nodded. Maxwell steped away a bit and pressed the number on his phone.

- Max where are you, you should have been home a while ago.

- I'm sorry Cam, I actually need your help.

- Did something happen? Are you okay?

- I'm okay, don't worry. But, you know Saint Gregory's facility that just shut down?

- Yeah, are you around there now?

- Yes, and I came across a teen there. He was having a panic attack cause someone was yelling at him. I don't know, I felt bad for him. He has nowhere to go... And well I was just thinking... Maybe...

- You think we could take him?

- Yes. Yes? I don't know. He seems like a good kid, not much trouble. Could you just come here please?

- Okay Max. I'm gonna talk to Carter and I'll send him there, I have an important call in a bit.

- Thank you.

The call ended and Maxwell went back to Hayden's side. They sat down on the floor by the wall.

- I called one of my guardians. - Max explained. - I live in a group home, maybe we could take you in with us. My other guardian Carter is comming now. He looks a bit scary but I promise you he will be nice, okay?

- Okay. - the younger said keeping his head down.

After a bit, Carter arrived. The boys stood up.

- Hey buddy, I'm Carter. What's your name?

- Hayden - said boy almost whispered. He was truly scared.

- Okay Hayden, I did a few calls. Do you think you'd like to come home with us? We live in a nice house, Cameron and I are the guardians. You'll get along with the rest easily, they are troublemakers but they are all nice, okay?

Eventually, Hayden accepted and they brought him home.

And thats all I can tell you noww.

Comment, vote and enjoy <3.

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