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A/N I've been studyingg sorry for not postingg.

- This boy will be the death of me. - Aidan said.

Cameron and Aidan were sitting down. The guardian was really nervous and neither of them knew what to do. It had been 4 hours since James had left the house, and still nothing. They both had tried calling him, but it was always "call declined" or just no answer.

- Okay I think we should call for back up. I'll call my friend Danny and tell him to bring our team. - Aidan suggested

- Okay - Cam sighed

Back at home Carter was in his room with Maxwell. The boy was looking down listening to his guardian lecturing him.

- Carter I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have hit him but I was just too mad I wasn't thinking. I'm really sorry, and I already apologized to Nathan, he knows I wasn't thinking properly. - he paused and looked at Carter's face - And I also know I should think before acting but I really couldn't control myself. Nathan was being a bitch to Hayden and I can't tolerate that. I'm sorry.

The guardian stayed quiet for a bit, looking at Max while thinking. The boy was really nervous, biting his lip waiting for an answer.

- I know you Max. I know you really didn't mean to do that, and I'm not going to punish you for it because you acted out of impulse, and Nathan was truly being a bitch. - Maxwell smiled relieved - but you qre starting those anger management classes again, and I dont want to hear any complaints or your ass will be on fire for the rest of the month.

- Yes sir - Max said smiling befire leaving the room.

Carter took a deep breath and went out of his room and knocked on Nathan's door. (A/n I may have to do a chapter just with who sleeps with who so I dont mess up)

- Come in - said the boy.

Carter opened the door and monitored the boy to come out.

- I cant, Cam said I'm not allowed to come out until he says.

- Okay then we'll respect that- Carter said closing the door behind him and sitting on the bed next to Nathan.

- Are you gonna punish me? Cam said he will...

- I'm not - the guardian cut him off - I just want to talk to you Nat.

- O-okay. I'm sorry for everything, I know I messed up I'm really sorry.

- Nathan let me speak please. - Carter said now in a more stern voice.

- Sorry sorry.

- I dont want to talk about what happened. I want to talk about what its gonna happen. I want you to know that I'm not punishing any of the boys, I think its fair that you know that. I also know your brother is going to beat your ass, and I am in not way going to stop him. - that comment made the teen look down- But I want you to know that I'll talk to him so he is calmed beforehand, and he doesn't regret his actions later. And I'll be right here before and after if you need me, okay? He is your brother, but I'm your guardian and I care about you Nathan. I want the best for you. We've know eachother for a long time haven't we. - he paused - I remember when you were younger you used to call me uncle Carty.

- Oh my god shut upp - Nathan said embarrassed, making Carter laugh.

- Hey, it was the cutest thing ever. You were such a troublemaker, even worse than your brother.

- I wasn't that bad, don't lie.

-You were, Natty, don't even...

Phone rang.

- Hey Cam, anything?

- Still nothing, I'm so worried.

- Me too. It's okay, he can't be too far. Keep looking, you're doing very well bud.

"fuck fuck fuck" James thought to himself. "what the hell did I do, what the hell am I gonna do". He was a crying mess. He was really cold, it was already dark and his phone battery was getting lower. He didn't want to call anyone. He didn't want to go back to that house. He was terrifed. But he was even more scared now, lost in those dark streets. He saw someone approaching him and he got up quickly.

- Hey kid, got any cigarettes?

- U-um nno sorry I don't smoke.

The man got closer and James was shaking.

- You sure? Don't lie to me kid.

The boy watched the man's hand as it was getting inside his pocket and getting out a penknife. As soon as he saw the spark, he started running. He ran even after there wasn't any chance the man was following him. And then he stepped on a small hole and fell down, hiting his nose making it bleed. And as if the moment wasn't bad enough, it started raining heavily. The pain, the blood, the tiredness, the thirst, the fear, the cold, it was just too much. He couldn't get up and he just layed on the floor crying. He was sure he was just going to die there, ran over by a car or murdered by someone.

He started hearing car sounds and his crying got harder, still not able to move from the fear and the overwhelm. The car got closer and lights started showing on the road. James stayed there letting the rain and his tears mix with the blood and almost drawn him.

- Carter is James still gone? - Hayden asked entering the living room.

- Yes bud, it's okay they're looking for him.

The guardian was trying to calm himself down too. He had called Cameron three more times and it was still nothing. He had made dinner and they had ate, and he just told the boys to go to their bedrooms. Carter was sitting on the couch nervously waiting for the boy to ring.

- I'm worried about him. - the boy said

- I'm worried too Hayden, you should try and go rest a bit, okay? I'll be here, everything will be fine.

- But Carter - the boy insisted.

- Hayden, enough. - the guardian said in an angry voice.

The teen looked at Carter with wide eyes and then looked down like he was about to cry. He was a sensitive boy, and he hated when Carter yelled at him, specially if it was unfair. The older realized what he had done and stopped the boy before he tried running back upstairs, getting up and getting closer.

- I'm sorry Hayden I shouldn't have yelled. I'm just really stressed, and I know you boys are worried too.

Then a thunder sounded, making the teen jump in fear.

- Okay, lets put you to bed, shall we? - Carter said softly.

They both went upstairs and the guardian hugged Hayden before saying good night. As soon as he got out of the room his phone rang.

- Cam?

- We found him.

A/N Ahhhhh I love this chapter omggg.... jk its not that good... Or is it????

You tell me! Comment, vote and enjoy! :)

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