Blondie And Trouble

877 19 4

Zachary's POV

- You're being an asshole. - Max said.

After seeing Carter literally drag baby-face out of the room, Maxwell started lecturing me about how I was abad influence. I mean, I know James wanted to impress me, but he was so cute trying to be a bad boy that I didn't realize it reached that point.

- I feel sorry for him now, will he get punished?

As if I didn't know the answer. I knew Carter's ways of dealing with misbehaving a bit too well. I didn't want to let the guilt get into my head and I just got up and went around the house to chat with my new housemates.

But no matter what I did, I couldn't get baby-face out of my head. Imagining him being punished, (rather hot if he were butt naked). The thought of him crying and in pain because of me didn't go well in my heart. I don't know what the hell that boy did to me but he was sure making me go crazy.

I knew who his roomate was, so I half asked half scared the shit out of Ryan to know wich door led to their bedroom. When I got there, I heard some sobbing, and my heart broke a bit. I didn't even think about knowing and just entered the room, closing the door behind me.

Baby-face was beautifully laying just on a pair of shorts, no shirt. He tried covering himself with the blanket, but it only covered his head. His back looked very smooth (and his ass very round).

- Don't ask, Ryan. - he said.

His voice sounded broken, yet so beautiful.

- I'm not Ryan, baby-face - I said, slowly approaching him. I sat next to him on the bed, while he slowly pulled the blanket off his head, allowing me to see his beautiful blue eyes.

- What are y-you doing here? - he stuttered

Could he be any cuter?

- I wanted to say sorry, Jamie. I know what you've been up to, and I teased you for too long. You dont need to be a bad boy, I rather have you as my sweet baby-face.

James POV


I was about to go crazy. I'm sure my cheeks were the reddest they've ever been.

I didn't have tiem to answer before he just ruffled my hair and got up, before leaving the room with a wink.

Hayden's POV

I was dead.

D e a d.

With that Zachary boy being here I had managed to sneak into Cameron's room and find de pasword to the computer in the office. I knew that was the only computer logged into the school account, where they could see our grades and all that. I managed to use a little of my experience (I'm a professional), to get the computer to show different numbers in my grades' sheet.

Listen, I know that's a bit fucked up, and that I should have told the truth... Well if you actually think that then fuck you, cause I'd do it again if I could.

I had been THREATENED by Carter, I needed to, at least, pass all my classes. And let me tell you, I am a very sensitive guy, and my guardian can be really scary. To say I was terrified when I saw that I had failed 3 subjects is the least. I hadn't been punished in so long, I was usually the best behaved. So I thought that it was okay to trick my guardians just a little bit, and then get my grades up before the end of the year. They saw the grades and everything was fine. It was the perfect plan, and they would never know. Or that's what I thought.

My math teacher sent me an email saying that he was trying to encourage students who failed to do better, and that he wanted to have a word with my guardians.

Oh, boy.

I obviously couldn't just ignore the message or lie, cause I knew the email was also going to be sent to them. And I obviously couldn't just tell them that I only failed math, cause they would try and use another computer to see the actual grades and not trust me. I really didn't know what to do, so I went to see Maxwell for some advice.

- Hey Maxiee  - I said with my most "good kid" tone.

He looked at me raising an eyebrow. He was sitting by himself in the living room, and he pointed the couch in front of me, his eyes still not leaving mine. I sat down with a fake smile.

- What the hell did you do Hayden.

Okay well thank you for your trust. He wasn't wrong, obviously, but dammm.

- Umm I fucked up quite a bit.

- Explain.

Okay Maxwell could be scary when he was like that. I was really nervous, fidgeting with my hands.

- Ummm, well, I kind of failed three subjects when I was supposed to pass everything, and I kind of didn't want neither Cam or Carter to know....

- Mhm, keep going.

I just sighed and looked down.

- I changed the numbers on the computer and they think I passed everything, but my math teacher wants to have a meeting with them, wich means they'll know I failed, and then they'll realize the grades were changed and they'll see I failed three.

I was almost out of breath after I was done talking. I thought Max was about to yell at me but he just chuckled.

- Well thats quite creative, kid. You don't get in trouble often but you certainly know how to do it fancy.

I rolled my eyes, a bit more relaxed with all the joking going on.

- Okay, this is what you'll do. As always, go to Cameron first. Explain everything, tell him how you felt and why did you do it. Remember to put on detail in your story, so that he understands you really regret what you did.

- Even if I don't - I added. But his look shut me up.

- Then, you will ask nicely if he can be the one to tell Carter. You know the drill, you say you're too scared and blah blah blah. That will give Carter more time to calm down before he decides to punish you himself. If you are lucky enough, maybe Cameron will be the one doing it.

- I really hope he is. Last time I got punished, Carter made sure I couldn't sit properly for days. I'm just going to put on my best act and pretend I'm really sorry, so they're not too harsh on me. I mean I'm always good, I'll get my way with our scary guardian.

I didn't realize Max was staring behind me until I looked at his terrified face. I didn't want to turn around. I didn't need to. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. I almost had a heart attack when I heard the deep voice right behind me, even if I was waiting for it.

- Looks like your scary guardian won't be fooled this time. - Carter said.

A/N hey everyone, I'll be busy this days but I'll try to upload soon!!! Please comment your thoughts!!

As always, don't forget to vote and enjoy :)))

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