Oh No

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James slept in his new bed like a baby. The day had been very long, but he was feeling good in that house. And even better now that things with Max were fixed, and he was there with him. After all, he had missed him very much and was so glad to have him back.

Cameron woke the boys up in the morning and they all went down for breakfast. The morning went on smooth, but after lunch things got a bit...

Ryan and James were chilling on the couch watching TV. Kyle walked in with a wide smile on his face.

- What the hell are you thinking about now? - asked Ryan - I'm sure is no good.

- Cmon bro, I havent even said anything yet. - Ryan rolled his eyes. - I just have an idea to welcole our new friend.

James' eyes widened in terror. Oh boy. He had no idea what to expect, but it was definitely going to get him in trouble.

- Kyle, leave the boy alone. Don't get him into your freaky ideas.

Kyle just laughed and sat in front of them.

- Just let me explain, it's gonna be fun. Don't you want to know James?

- I umm - James wanted Kyke to like him, he seemed nice, and he didn't want to seem like some stupid kid. He had learnt that the hard way in his pasts homes. He finally accepted. - okay.

Ryan looked at him with disapproval and Kyle smiled.

- See? I knew you and me would get along. Now, I have an amazing plan, and you are going to be the main character in it. - the younger just swallowed hard, expecting the worse. - Now listen carefully. There's a box full of Nerf gun's stuff that we got taken away a while ago. You need to go get it, and we will start a playful fight with Matt and Hayden.

Okay it didn't sound that bad. I mean yeah the Nerfs got taken away, but how could he know? He was new in the house. James relaxed, it seemed like a fun thing, and it would help him get along with his housemates.

- Okay, sounds like a plan. Where's the box?

Kyle smiled. Ryan whispered "you're crazy", but got ignored.

- Oh so you are ready huh? - Kyle said, he got up and smiled again. - It's down in the basement.

James' face dropped. "Basement, no no no not there" he thought to himself. At this point friendship didn't matter, he just knew he couldn't.

- Yeah no dude, I'm out.

- What? Why? Are you scare of the dark or something? Bro it has a light and its not even that big. - Kyle insisted. But James had made up his mind.

- I said I am out. You can go yourself if you want them so bad. - He was getting mad.

- Chill James, I just asked you a little favor. I didn't know you were going to be such a pussy about it.

- Shut the fuck up. - James stood up and looked at him straight in the eyes. He was a bit shorter than him, but he didn't care. His face was getting red from anger. He hated being called a coward.

- Kyle, leave him alone - Ryan said. - He said he doesn't want to, so he is not going to.

- Awwe poor little thing needs to be protected huh? - Kyle teased, getting closer to James trying to intimidate him.

James would have hit him right that moment, and get that smile out of his face. But he needed to be smart about it.

- Kyle, if you need me to go get something you want, then maybe you've got the problem here. - And that worked like magic, making his smile fade away quickly. But he wasn't done there. - I guess we know who's the pussy now.

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