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A/N Okay so I wasn't writing much in this story, so I decided to spice up stuff a bit to see if this goes anywhere.

Alexander, Ryan, Kyle and Matthew were playing cards in the living room, when Carter entered the room followed by a blonde haired boy. The teens looked at him confused.

- I'm not going to fucking therapy Carter. - the blonde said- I already told you I'm not fucking crazy, so no need for some stupid shit to ask me questions I don't want to answer.

- Zach, I'm not asking you. It's a court order, so you will go and thats final.

- That fucking judge will suck my dick.

The four teens were all looking at each other. The way the boy was talking to the guardian was certainly amusing. Carter realized the confused looks and just sighed.

- Okay, boys, this little brat here is Zachary, and he'll be staying with us for a bit.

- No I'm fucking not, I'm going back to that boarding school shit if I have to, but no way I'm staying here with you and that other fucking bastard.

The teens' mouth dropped. They weren't sure if they were more surprised about the backtalk or the fact that Carter was so chill about it. Not like he wasn't angry, but if it had been any of the other boys, he'd sure be having some trouble sitting by now.

- Yo, buddy, you're taking this a bit too far. - Kyle stepped in.

That was a very very big mistake. Zachary didn't waste any time and punched Kyle, making the poor boy's lip bleed.

- What the hell is wrong with you? - Ryan said, as him and the other two house mates got up to help Kyle.

- Okay this is enough - Carter finally said, dragging Zachary out of the room.

The guardian had a strong grip on the teen's arm, dragging him upstairs while looking for Cameron. He found him in Nathan's room, where the two brothers were looking at some video on the younger's phone.

- Hey Cam, look who just got here and already punched someone.

The brothers looked up, and when Nathan's eyes layed on the other teen, he got up and shook his head.

- Nope, I'm out- he said- No way, no way on earth. If he stays here, I'm out of this house.

Cameron rolled his eyes and forced his brother to sit back down, ignoring the complaints.

- Zachary what did you do? - Cam asked fed up already.

- That little bitch wanted to bark at my face and I showed him he ain't no one to tell me shit.

- Oh my god, yep I'm out, call me when he is back in his cage- Nathan said, this time actually getting up and stepping out of the room, earning himself a death stare from Zachary.

The guardians looked at eachother.

- Can you leave my arm alone now, Carter? Bro, next time put me in a leash if you're just gonna drag me everywhere. - Zachary said, finally feeling the relief after the older let him go.

- I may consider it...

Downstairs, Nathan entered the living room, to find all the boys (except from Maxwell and James, who were out for a run) talking to eachother about the misterios new boy.

- Nat, do you know that kid? - Ryan asked when he saw him entering.

- Unfortunately, I do. And I swear to God he better not be staying with us.

- He is - Kyle said, while holding a tissue to his now less bloody lip - Carter said he'll be staying for a while.

- And where the hell is Max? He's the only one who seems to be able to tam that brat. - Nathan said, sitting down next to Hayden on the couch.

- Max knows him too? - Ryan asked - who even is he?

- Yeah, Zachary was here a long time ago when it was only Max and I. He was sent to juvie right before Kyle and Hayden came. He has always been known for not giving a shit about anything, and no matter how hard his punishments were he was always backtalking right after it was done. And not like Ryan style- Nathan said looking at said boy, who pretended to be offended. - Actual piece of shit way.

- But you said that he listens to Max, right? - Hayden asked.

- Well yeah, the kid is terrified of Maxwell, and I never knew why, not that he can't be scary, but in my opinion Carter is way more scarier than our boy Max.

- I'll have to agree to that, Natty. - Maxwell said as he entered the room followed by James. - Who are we talking about, exactly?

- Some bitch named Zachary - Kyle said.

- Oh, help Lord.

A/N Hiiii, short chapter cause I wanted to post something, dont worry I'll continue very soon. How do you like this? It's gonna be a long series with this new kid, and in between there are going to be mlre background stories.

Dont forget to comment your thoughts, vote, and enjoy!!!! <3

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