Background Story

730 14 4

Tw: SA of a minor.


- Matthew, you better stop moving so much or I'll park the car and leave you here in the middle of nothing.

- I'm sorry mom. I can't help it.

- Shut up, that's bullshit. When will you stop when that hyperactive shit? You're just an attention seeker.

- But dad, the school therapist said that...

- What part of shut up do you not understand? I don't even know why we're even driving you there. You should have taken a bus. Now keep that mouth shut.

- Sorry dad.

Matthew was 15, in the back of his parent's car. They were driving to a correctional-style boarding school. The boy was very nervous, so he couldn't help bouncing his leg up and down.

- Okay, thats it. - Matt's dad said, turning back at him, not realizing he was slowly getting of the road. - You're just an ungrateful piece of shit. I wish that abortion had worked.

And those were the last words Matthew heard before everything went black.

He opened his eyes, only to see a white cealing. He stared at it for a bit, letting his vision slowly adapt, while he was only hearing beeping sounds. Soon, he realized the beeping came from the machine attached to his body. He looked around and found himself alone in a small hospital room. Just as he was about to get up, he realized he couldn't move his legs. He pulled off the cover and his eyes widened when he saw both legs were trapped in plaster.

A doctor entered the room, smiling at the young boy.

- Hey there, look who's awake. I'm doctor Mills, I just need to do a few tests now that you're awake.

Matthew was scared and confused.

- What happened? Where are my parents?

The silence was loud. Tears started to go down the boy's cheeks.

- They passed away on the accident, Matthew. Dont worry, your safe here. - the doctor said with a smile.

The poor kid began to cry harder, and the doctor hugged him, rubbing his back. When the boy calmed down a bit, he pulled away.

-Okay boy, I'm gonna start with a few tests now.

Matthew didn't expect any of the tests. He didn't expect the doctor to undress him. He didn't expect the doctor to start touching him where he shouldn't. He definitely didn't expect the doctor to take advantage of him the way that he did.

The physical pain was bad but the mental one was what made him pass out again.

Matthew couldn't speak about the topic. He couldn't even look at his abuser's face on court. And he definetly couldn't stand being in a hospital room, so getting the rest of his medical treatment was really hard. He even had to spend his 16th birthday there. So, once he had his cast off his legs, he became an escapist. And that's how he met Carter.

- Don't worry Cam, everything went fine. I'll go to the pharmacy in the evening... Yeah... Yes Cameron, stop worrying now... Okay bud, go take a break.

Carter hung up the phone, and suddenly someone crashed into him, almost making him fall.

- Ouch! Woah there buddy, - Carter grabbed Matthew by his arms. - Where are you going so fast.

- Please! Please get me out of here now, please!

Matthew had his teary eyes opened as if he was crazy. Carter grabbed his face gently, making him look into his eyes.

- Listen to my voice and my voice only. - he said firmly- you're gonna take three deep breaths. Then we're going to the bathroom to clean your face and give you water. And we'll sit down to talk.

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