Explanations Fr

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Those boys wanted to kill me. They for sure wanted the death of me. What the hell had happened? Why the fuck was I holding Matthew's hand while he was sleeping in a hospital bed. I was exhausted, it was almost 3 am and my eyes were slowly closing. Suddenly, the doctor came in the room, making me get up quickly.

- The results are good, he'll be just fine when he's up.

I sighed in relief.

- When will he be able to go back home? Can't I just take him now while he sleeps? - I asked, crossing my fingers.

- I'm sorry but he is supposed to stay under supervision at least 3 hours after he wakes up, so I'm afraid we can't really let you take him now.

I looked at the sleeping teen biting my lip. 3 hours? I wasn't so sure about that...

The doctor left again. I needed answers, I needed to know what happened. My brain was going too fast, and then my phone rang.

- Cam?

- Hey Nat, what are you doing awake buddy?

- How is Matt?

- He is okay. The doctor said we need to wait until he wakes up to take him home.

- That's not gonna be fun....

- It'll be okay, I'm here for him. Natty I really think you should try and sleep, it's really late and we all need a good rest before we face whatever this is that happened, okay?

There was silence for a moment. I didn't like that.

- Nathan?

- Cameron there's something I need to tell you.

My heart skipped a beat.

- Nathan are you involved in this? Did you do something too?

- No umm it's not that. I didn't do anything I promise. But that's the problem. I knew stuff was going to happen, I just didn't think it was going to be this way... Matthew said it would be very simple, and I just don't understand how it got this far... I swear if I had known I would have told you guys... - He said a bit too fast.

- Nathan oh my God, stop talking for a second. - I said trying to understand all the information. - Now slow down, what the hell are you talking about?

Again, another long pause. I could feel the tension on my brother's body through the phone.

- I-I swear I don't know what happened in the room. But Matthew came to talk to us about how he wanted to show Zachary his place, as he said it, and he wanted our help to just scare him a bit. We didn't do anything, I promise. So I guessed he decided to ask Ryan for help. But Cam I promise you the plan he had explained to us was nothing like this.

- Fuck, Nathan. We are gonna have a long conversation tomorrow. But for now, did you talk to Ryan?

- Kyle and I tried to get things out of him, but it was rather impossible. He's fast asleep now, and so it's almost everyone.

- Almost?

- Carter has been sitting in the living room since they got back home. I swear he has been looking at the same spot on the table for the past 40 minutes. I wanted to talk to him but he looked too scary.

I couldn't help smiling a bit. I sighed deeply and just decided to call it a day and try to rest a bit myself.

- Okay bud, go to sleep now. We'll be home tomorrow morning, okay? And if you want to talk to Carter you should, he won't bite I promise.


After hanging up, I slowly made my way downstairs again while thinking about my brother's words. Yeah, yeah, Carter wouldn't bite me for talking to him but he for sure could spank me if he was angry. As I expected, he was in the same position, his eyes still locked on table and really lost on his thoughts. I started to notice the tension his body showed, with his hands gripping one of the blankets rather hard. That was my clue to leave him alone, but lucky me had to bump into the wall.

- Fuck... - I mumbled in pain.

Strong hands grabbed my shoulders, instantly making me shake.

- Hey buddy, you okay?

Carter wasn't angry. He sounded... Upset? I don't know but I was sure he wasn't angry so I relaxed at his touch.

- I'm okay. I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep.

He looked into my eyes, never stopping his touch. I could see he was hurting.

- Are you worried? - I asked shily, but he just looked away. - I really don't know what happened today, this was just a mess. - I paused, trying to read his emotions - I'm glad we're in this house tho, I couldn't imagine myself facing all this kind of shit anywhere else.

My words were sincere. I was truly grateful for everything Carter and Cameron were doing for us. I knew that there were not so happy places, and most of my housemates had already had a taste of them.

Carter stayed quiet, so I tried to get off his grip and go back upstairs. But I was suddenly pulled into a warm hug. I honestly think my guardian needed it more than I did.


My worst fear. I opened my eyes and as soon as I saw the white walls I closed them quickly. I thought it was just one of my bad nightmares. But it felt so real. It felt so real because it was. I started to hyperventilate, getting up of the bed and ripping the PICC off me and probably making my arm bleed. I almost fainted when I put my feet on the ground, but I was quickly held by Cameron, who I hadn't even notice was there. He grabbed me tight and forced me into the bed, as he pressed the button to call a nurse. I looked around in fear and I just couldn't get old flashbacks out of my head. I couldn't be there. I couldn't let this happen to me again. My breathing was so fast I thought my heaet was going to explote. Cameron almost put his whole body weight on me, keeping me on place and brushing his fingers through my hair.

- Shh Matty you're okay I promise, I'm here you're okay. Your safe, I promise you you're safe here Matty shhh.

I heard the door opening and I dont remember much more cause I suddenly felt really really tired again.


After the nurse injected the sedative to my poor boy, she took care of his arm while I started to beg her to let me take Matthew home befofe he woke up again. She got out of the room and the doctor came in and checked him quickly before he let out a loud sigh and signed me out of the room pointing at Matthew. I smiled and thanked him, before pulling the sleeping teen out of the covers and carrying him to my car.

When I entered the house everyone was sleeping. I brought Matt to my room, not wanting him to wake up scared again. Before laying down myself, I went to quickly check on everyone. Max and Aleck were sleeping together in the older's bed. Hayden was passed out on his bed, like Ryan and Kyle. James and Zach were cuddling in the blonde's bed, and not gonna lie they looked really cute together. I just needed one more room to check.

I opened the door in Carter's room slowly. He was sleeping in his bed but he was fully clothed. I quietly made my way to his side and started undressing him, leaving him on his t-shirt and boxers and covering him with the blanket. After doing my dutie as the dad of everyone (laughs out loud), I went back my room and layed next to Matthew, pulling the boy closer to me and playing with his hair. I didn't have time to think about the day before falling asleep.

A/N Hey beautiful people!! How's it going?

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