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7 years later...

With what words can l explain this marvelous life of mine? 7 years have passed by, me and Vernon have two sons by this time. My company flourished so did his company, my company was ranked 2nd richest company in both England and USA and the Vaxi Company ranked 3rd in USA and Australia.

I shut down my laptop and gave out a stressed sigh. I facepalm my forehead in stress, "I have a tight schedule tomorrow now l can't even take care of my boys for it now." I mumbled as a tear slipped from my eyes.

"Mommy!!" I turned back and saw Aron, my 5 year old eldest son. He grinned innocently and he gave me a photo album in my hands, l took a glance of the cover and saw it was during my educational life.

"Mommy! I want to see this!" He exclaimed and l chuckled then took him in my lap to see the photos together. We turned to the first page and saw a picture of me in kindergarten with my mother, she was dragging me to my classroom and l cried.

I laughed as l recalled the past memories with my mother. "Is this grandma dragging you to kindergarten?" Aron turned to me and said, l nodded and kissed his cheeks. "I miss grandma..." Aron looked down, my smile dropped seeing my son crying.

"Why? Grandma is in a great place up in the sky, you shouldn't cry or else she will be sad right?" I looked at my son with my shiny teary eyes, l miss my mother as well.

Well my mother died due to heart problems just after my youngest son's birth, which is 2 years ago. Basically my youngest son never got to see his grandmother and Aron was her favorite grandchild, l still miss those times when my mom and Aron used to play together in midnight and scare the hell out of me when l was still pregnant.

Aron nodded and l wiped his tears, l gave a fake gummy smile for my son to not see me in this state. He turned the next page to see my middle schooler self, l was running around with Celina and Adrelina. Well they became mothers now, Adrelina have one daughter and Celina have three sons.

I chuckled at myself so happy and free, Aron laughed with me soon. Then l turned to the next page to see my highschool self, we were playing truth or dare with the whole class. That time, truth or dare was the trend of my class. "Mom looks like a boy." He turned to me and l nodded.

"Don't you think l am wearing more masculine clothes now?" I spoke and he nodded. "I never knew you didn't wore pinkish outfits from highschool." He said and l turned to the next page to see my university self.

My smile dropped from seeing Markus with me, his arms were wrapped around my waist and l was smiling happily. My tears started to fall continuously as l recalled all the nightmares he gave me. I looked down and tried to wipe my tears.

"Who is this Mommy? Where's daddy? Why is this uncle touching you just like the way daddy touches you?" Aron said and l looked up and grinned. "He's just a friend but he was a bad friend so we must not see him anymore and do you know what to do now?" I said and he frowned his eyebrows in confusion.

"What Mommy?" He spoke then l took the polaroid from the space and teared it, l don't want to see his disgusting two faced face anymore. I threw those teared pieces outside the window and Aron just stared at me.

"This is what to do Baby." I smiled and he clapped his hands excitedly. The front door opened revealing Vernon with Haron swinging by Vernon's neck. "Vernon! Get Haron down!" I exclaimed and he shrugged, "Why babes? He is strong he can hold such tiny things." Vernon's lips formed a smirk and l took Haron from his neck.

"He's a two year old kid for God's sake." I looked at him in disbelief and he got closer to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my back closer to his chest, "l missed you babe." I sighed and just changed Haron into his pajamas.

"Babe? Baby? Why aren't you answering me?" Vernon whispered to my ears then kissed my earlobe and l chuckled at the ticklish feeling. After l finished changing Haron, the two boys ran to their rooms. I turned to face Vernon and he locked me in his arms, he leaned closer to my face.

"Kiss please?" He whispered in a deep voice and l nodded. He met his lips with mine forming a passionate kiss, it was soft and warm. The door bell rang and l quickly let go off the kiss, "For God's sake it's always Aston!" Vernon closed his eyes in frustration.

"Hey stupid!" I exclaimed after seeing his face, he chuckled and he ruffled my hair. "Get yourself away from my wife." I turned back to see Vernon sulking, l chuckled at the sight.

"Anyways you couple can go for your date, l want to teach my nephews some boxing." Aston said and he showed a boxing gesture, l nodded then dragged Vernon with me.

We took steps as cherry blossoms fell upon our face, l glanced at the perfect man beside me who was admiring the view. Our hands were locked with each other and his grip was too tight so l tried to let go off his hand. "What are you doing?" He said taking his eyes on me. "Your grip is too tight, mister." I side-eyed him and he chuckled making his grip a little loose.

He turned to me and captured me in his arms making me face him. His eyes were fixed to my eyes and it was full of love, "What are you doing?" I spoke after a moment of silence. "Why? I am admiring my perfect wife." He said and my heart started beating fast because of his compliment.

He leaned closer and kissed my lips. His arms were wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him, which made our chests meet with each other. After some time, he let go off me.

"I love you, Lucia." Said he,

"I love you too, Vernon." Said l.

                        END OF                          
                    SLOW BURN


Writing Starting- July 09,2023
First Publication- July 17,2023
Finishing Publication- August 11,2023

From Author,

First of all, l would like to thank my dear readers for supporting me and reading. I love each and every of you and l can't explain my appreciation in words.

Then l would like to thank my family and my sister who encouraged me into writing this, also my sister's friends who supported me till the end.

This book was hella fun to write and l hope you guys also had fun reading it. Thank you all, thank you my family and thank you my sister.

So, please support me in my future books and l promise to meet your expectations.

From, Author: Sonic
To, My lovely Readers.


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