Chapter 32

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??? POV;

"Do your work properly jerks!" I shouted as the trembling men nodded. I ran my fingers through my hair strands because l am not getting the thing l desire the most now. I need to have my girl in my arms and lock her forever in my cage so l can do whatever l want to her.

"Sir! I found her number!" One of the man displayed the computer screen to me as my lips curved into a smirk. "Finally you're doing your job huh?" I checked the screen as l held the hair of the youth beside me. "Sir it pains-" Before the child could speak l punched him to the ground as l browsed through the informations with an evil smirk.

Finally you're about to be mine, love. You have no escape from me.

Just you wait.


Lucia's pov:

Six months passed by since his confession, life was the best for me. I suddenly love life so much as much as l love my dear husband, he was the best husband of the world. He gave me all of his attention and l lived in peace and harmony as l faced no problem in life with his support and presence beside me.

I went downstairs after waking up and saw Vernon working in his laptop. I smiled as l hugged him from behind, "Good Morning love." I whispered and he whispered back, "Good Morning darling." He turned around and gave me a peck on the lips.

I sat on the chair and began to eat the egg sandwich. "Yum! It's so delicious but who made it? The maids are on a vacation today!" I exclaimed as Vernon stared at me with his hands on his chin with a big smile, "Can you guess who?" I understood by that and l pointed to him then he chuckled out loudly and nodded as his eyes went to his laptop.

After finishing breakfast, l stood up from my chair with my office bag. "l am leaving love." I said and he stood up then walked towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and met his lips with mine as l wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed back his soft lips. After some time we pulled away as we parted our ways.


As l was working, a message popped on my phone as l picked it up to see who it was. I saw an unknown ID and l was speechless of what was written there.

Hey babe? How are you~~
Stressed from work? Don't worry when l will have you in my cage
You won't have to work anymore

My body trembled in fear at every word the ID send me, who the hell is this person? Now l can't even call the police now because l am scared lf they will hurt Vernon or my parents. I heard a cracking sound as l gasped with sudden fear.

I looked a little closer and a rock was thrown to the glass window of my office. I went a little bit more closer and saw a figure covered in black as they held up a banner. I shaked in fear as l read the words the banner displayed.


I stepped back from the window and ran away from the room. I took my cellphone with me and locked the room Jade looked at me in confusion. "What happened Lucia?" I tried to answer but my mouth couldn't move.

I quickly dialed Vernon's number and called him but he didn't pick up. More cracking sounds was heard from my office as l flinched and Jade looked at me in shock. "W-w-what happened!" She gasped as the cracking noise went silent l held my ears and fell to my knees. "SECURITY!" Jade screamed and the guards ran to us.

"T-there's unusual cracking sounds from the CEO's office. Please help us, l think someone is trying to break in." She cried as tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably l flinched suddenly as l can't handle loud noises. "Nonsense! How can someone break in here, Boss's office is at the 10th floor Jade! But we must check inside her office." The guards said as they tried to go near but l held their hands then they looked at me

"P-please don't go inside.... someone is threatening me and they are outside the company looking for me. The person is throwing rocks to scare me but don't go inside David and Jacob l want your guys safety." I stuttered and they looked at each other in shock.

"Boss! What we will do now?" David panicked as l looked up with a nervous smile. "Go away and don't come before l make an announcement in the group chat, l will be okay. Just run away l don't want to hurt you guys." I sighed heavily and they nodded. "Jade go quickly and make the announcement of the company's hiatus before l speak anything about them coming back. And quickly leave the company ASAP with the workers no one shall be present here."

"But what about you Lucia?!" Jade held my hands and l gave her a pale smile, "l will be fine and lf l die, please lead a happy life and please get married for once okay! Lock the company before you leave.", "No! That's not possible l am not leaving my boss, where's your damn husband? Call him to pick you up."

"Just leave Jade! The person knows everything about my personal life, he knows who is Vernon and will rip him apart lf Vernon tries to come here. The person doesn't know you guys so leave me alone for God's sake!' I shouted at her and she nodded then hugged me as a goodbye before leaving me with the securities.

Everyone left the company and the environment went silent that even lf a needle could fall it will make sound. I was hiding inside the conference room, of course l locked with the main key and kept all sorts of things to the door for protection to prevent the person's entrance lf they tried to enter.

Of course l was panicking every second l was alone because l am a person with anxiety, l accepted my death already. A text popped on my phone again and it was from the unknown ID.

Scared already babygirl? Ugh, seeing you panicking pains my heart.
I am inside your company to pick up my love
Don't worry l won't do you any harm, l just want you and your love
Woah you're responsible for emptying your company
I am in love with this side of my babygirl.

I gasped for air as l read his every single text, l gave up with my life. I knew l had to repay with my life for this 6 months of peace with Vernon.

My phone rang and it was Vernon. I gave a pale smile and picked it up.

"Darling?! Where are you?!"

"Hey love, l just want to say thank you for your love. Now l have to repay with my life for your ever-lasting affection towards me, l hope you find someone more better and find a family with them in the future. I am sorry to not provide you a child, a heir you always dreamt of. I love you so much and forever-"


The phone dropped on the ground, and the screen cracked. As loud screams lingered through the building, hopes of her for creating a family with her loved ones dropped forever. She accepted her death for her loved ones only.

I will love you forever Vernon,

Find me in heaven.


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