Chapter 16

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I woke up from my bed with puffy red eyes, l sighed then went to do my morning routine. After preparing myself l went downstairs only to see Vernon hugging his girlfriend while sleeping on the couch. Tears formed on my eyes for how l wish to have a life partner to hug me and embrace me like that.

I gulped the milk in the glass through my throat in despair. I heard a groan and saw Vernon and his girlfriend waking up. "Good morning babe." Agnes hugged Vernon's waist and he smiled then delivered a kiss on her forehead. l glared at them before taking my car keys making a wild sound.

"Hey! Be silent! We are sleeping can't you see?" Vernon yelled with his one eye closed, l scoffed at them "Go upstairs then sleep, l don't have time to be silent and l have work unlike you sleeping with your girlfriend." I shouted then slammed the door. "What's wrong with that woman?!" Vernon shouted at the door in anger.


I shuffled the files placed in front of me and checked whether my signature is placed on every single document. I heard someone walking inside the office and l looked to see Jade with a panicking expression.

"The Vaxis have came Miss.Lucia!" She said and l rolled my eyes. Another thing had came to annoy and l told Jade to allow them in the office.

Mrs.Vaxi came in first with her excitement. "Wow! Daughter you got a nice office and l have seen the articles yesterday that you're a great influence to the company, l am proud of you!" She said then hugged me. I fake smiled then said, "Thank you?"

"Good morning daughter, are you too busy with work!" Mr.Vaxi exclaimed and l looked at the files but shook my head. "We want to invite you to our company, for we have something important to discuss with you. Since you're not busy nor have any meetings then shall we go?" He said then eye-smiled at me, God l shouldn't have said that l was not busy. I nodded then went with them.


We stopped in front of the Vaxi Company building, it's definitely a old fashioned theme. We went inside and the interior was like hospital type, then we went upstairs to Vernon's office. Mrs.Vaxi entered the room without any inquiry and she saw the first thing was....

Agnes sitting on Vernon's lap and kissing him.

My heart broke at the scene, and l stared at them blankly behind Mr.Vaxi and Mrs.Vaxi. Mr.Vaxi looked at me in shock and l couldn't do anything but tears formed on my eyes. "Son! What are you doing?!" Mrs.Vaxi shouted from the door.

"M-mom?...why did you barged in?" Vernon said and l harshly wiped my tears then ran away from his office. "Lucia! Daughter!" I could hear Mr.Vaxi shouting my name but l didn't care to go back. The feelings l have for him is all in vain, he will never love me not in a million years.


After work, l felt depressed so l stopped at a bar. "Uh? Is it you again?" The bartender took the red wine from the refrigerator, "Take a seat." He said and l nodded then took a seat.

"I guess your husband is again the cause for this." He said and decorated my glass. I looked down and cried, "Cry your heart out here, you're safe." He served the glass in front of me and l gulped it within a second. "Pass me the whole bottle, this is nothing." I mumbled and he nodded then handed me the bottle.

After drinking, my eyes went heavy. The loud music interrupted my ears. I checked the time on my cellphone and saw it was already late, more late than l can think of. Within a millisecond l dozed off on the table.


I woke up and gasped for air, l was in my room. My head lingered a pain and l groaned. The door slammed open revealing Vernon with an angry expression. "Do you know how late you were in outside yesterday night?!" He started shouting and l held my head in pain.

"What are you talking about-", "Shut the heck up! Stop acting all innocent!" He shouted back. "Can you stop yelling at early morning?! I can't remember earlier night." I yelled back in disbelief of why the hell he was yelling out of nowhere. "Of course you can't remember anything! Because you're stupid and have no brain! Yeah! You were drinking at 12pm! And your secretary send you here at night and l had to stand your vomiting, what lf my parents saw this?" He started stomping his feet against the ground.

I gulped as my brain recalled myself drinking at a bar, but l couldn't remember Jade coming. But whatever l have done to him made me look like a huge burden to him. "Alright can't you stop shouting?! My head pains for god's sake, and l am sorry for whatever l have done to you." I groaned again and he deeply sighed.

"You're really annoying to look at, be grateful our parents didn't saw this. You're such a troublemaker for my life." With that he slammed the door and left the room. I looked at him in shock, l was deeply hurt by firstly his voice then his words. Am l really a troublemaker? I can do whatever l want so why is he concerned about me? He could throw me to the couch but instead took me to a bed. And mostly...

Changed my clothes.. 

I stared at the wall for a few minutes, because l was confused of whether he cares about me or is just forced to do this? I mean he is forced to do anything for me right?

I shook my head and went to do my morning routine.

"I bet master cares about my mistress." A voice chuckled then went out to the kitchen.


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